Tinglado Metal Structure – Stadium – Shoe 2D DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Details – specifications – sizing – Construction cuts

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

main facade, scale, cross-section, scale, longitudinal cut, scale, autonomous municipal government of fernandez alonzo, municipal management, draft:, designation:, scales: indicated, from:, sheet, draft:, cut plane, u., location: fernandez alonzo, dra. angelina vargas ferrufino, h. municipal mayor, r.n.i., ing. mauro j. bonilla fernandez, arq. j. milton ortuño herbas, director of public works, detail of reinforced concrete structures, scale, side view, front view, slab, technical plant plan, scale, detail of grills, scale, foundation plan, scale, portico detail structure of hº aº, detail of reinforced concrete structures, scale, detail of portico anchorage column type celosia, sections detail reinforced concrete structures, scale, column, beam, detail of metal structures, scale, detail of metal structures, scale, deck plan, scale, celosia type column, lattice girder, celosia belt, card, dra. angelina vargas ferrufino, h. municipal mayor, r.n.i project, ing. mauro j. bonilla fernandez, arq. j. milton ortuño herbas, director of public works, plurinational state of bolivia, department of santa cruz, municipality of fernandez alonzo, u., draft:, management, celosia belt, lattice girder, zapata h º aº, cover calamine nº, straps, cover calamine nº, straps, poor concrete, platform, angle, beams columns, straps, platform, slab, slab, natural terrain, foundation quota, hr p.o., slab, slab, platform, natural terrain, foundation quota, hr p.o., and. faith, and. faith, and. faith, g.a.m. de san julian technical direction of public works, details of reinforcement zapata reinforcements, project: tinglado u.e. santa san julian, g.a.m. de san julian technical direction of public works, front view of the shed, project: tinglado u.e. santa san julian, g.a.m. de san julian technical direction of public works, detail of assembly of the shed, project: tinglado u.e. santa san julian, project: tinglado u.e. from san julián, detail beam strap, detail of foot of friend union of column beam, lattice belts, front view of shed, esc .:, tension, beam mts., mts., beam mts., belt, detail of reinforcement of zapata concrete column, type shoes, quantity, detail box in shoe, depth of, Foundation, central shoe, scale:, ground, ground level, cabbage., spreadsheet, type column, detail, section, level, quantity, low level, Technical specifications, concrete resistance characteristic high-tensile steel fyk aggregate foundations slabs foundations cm cm. flexion compression ground with bearing capacity, faith. smooth, beam section, beam section, strap section, sections of plain beams, column section, general shed plan, stake out plant, esc .:, detail of shoehorn, mm cm, cm cookie, esc .:, trunk, trunk mts.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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