Topografia Road DWG Block for AutoCAD




Contours trocha

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Galician):

well, mats, const, trail, shoulder, east c, comedr, work, tranqra, est and, arc, extra, broken jatuncucho, broken sauciyoc, santa rosa hill, q. huacanal grande, sihuas river, q. huacanal boy, huallhuayoc hills, round hill, q. binuyoj, yamaorco hill, broken quentos, hill polinquima, liquid hill, vilahue hill, broken lloque, oglile gorge, tembladerayoc hill, q. the earrings, I close the charm, q. Linquiña, beautiful fly hill, q. the mine, broken hualhuani, gramadal hill, q. saucillos, gramadal broken, q. hospice, broken torconta, torconta hill, broken millio, broken chillihua, high hill sihuas, broken molles, broken huaranguillo, pampas de vítor, flat:, district:, province:, ladder, department:, date:, flat :,. …………., topographic map – location, arequipa, indicated, …………, owner:, sector:, …….. ……………………., project: zone, projection, datum,: universal transversal mercator, bm – reference point, legend, secondary curve , path, master curve, channel, cutting section, est-c, est-a, est-b, est-d, est-e, vertice, coordinate table, seasons, location, Drinking water, putting, dining, entrance, work, storage, boarding, river, tent

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Other
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
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