Topography – South Zone – Comarapa – Bolivia DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Bolivia topographic sheets of 1: 50,000 scale DWG format Projection Datum UTM Zone South PSAD56

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

chucupial stay, stay, sunchu pampa, conchitas, cerzo sarzo, ford, chilon, cem., cerro chacarilla, paila cocha, collapses, pumping station ypfb, oconi, la palca, guillen hill, open field cachal, hill below, below, stay sunchal, stay potrerillos, sunchalito, ranch the rich, tipa pampa, cerro pena colorada, estancia tajras, cemetery, koni abra, community, banded down, large skirt, ranch foot of the slope, hill paila, hill tajras, hill rodeo, community banados de la cruz, ranch canada, drink and hat, comarapa, airstrip, the mogote, tel., ranch canacoa, ranch saiquile, cerro potrero, oil pipeline, hill cupilla, hill huayna potosi, hill tular, hill miller, hill paila orkho, rancho lagunillas, rancho tomita, abra, catalina, estancia pajcha aguada, catalinas community, pond, soccer field, rancho, las abritas, telegraph line, estancia pampa, the sahuintal, riconada, ranch tuquipalla, upstream, estancia ceibal , stay hue rta pampa, stay narrow, big hill, hill big cochi, hill puca khasa, salitral ranch, ranch pigs, ranch jercal, punja, ranch sivingal, hill sivingal, chapels, hill ranch, ranch ranch, san antonio, cmdad., orchards, hill shipyard, old house, torrencillas, hill millu sinchu, hill nipples, stay old, ranch lampazara, hill long island, sahuintal, tabladita, hill pajcha, community quinal, ranch verdecillo, sawmill pampas, pampa chajra, pampas, hill battalion, stay rose, ecia. lajara chico, community los pinos, hill, concho lagoon, white, stay good view, huaricunca, cmdad. copajira, ecia. beautiful view, shipyard, butchuco, the junction, crown, bravo hill, huari chocana, large lagoon, green lagoon, lagoon, huku, lagoon siberia, lagoon tinqui, dry lagoon, picachitu, comarapa

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Imperial
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