Trujillo Historic Center And Main DWG Block for AutoCAD




Flat major thoroughfares roads in the city of Trujillo

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Miguel Grade, sixth stage, kumamoto neighborhoods, The liberators, high trujillo sector, high future, area, lots of, area, lots of, area, urb.el recreation, the mercy, beautiful, San Andres, April, San Salvador, new turkey, saint Louis, farmhouse, San Isidro, the cedars, high mochica, mochica, san fernando, Holy Ines, spring, neighborhood, central sector, neighborhood, central, central sector, neighborhood, central sector, chicago, Sun, laurels, san vicente, Santa Maria, the quintana, big orchard, shambles, neighborhood, shambles, sector the merced, neighborhood, juan v., from cordova, ramon, castro, AC. fco. from, paula quiroz, Julia, Ayala, psje.fco., Navarrese, moral, duarez, cusihuaman, AC., astete, to. spout, psje., m. brown, independence, the, animas, jr., to. oblates, AC., titu, Manuel, ubalde, av. pumacahua, clash, I used yupanqui, jr., m. bastidas, Joseph, gomez, jr. fco. zela, jr. jose olaya, jr., Maria Julia, jr., av. santa, angle, hnos, lettuce, tupac, inca, lame, bastidas, michele, av. pumacahua, mirror, casimir, the tourmalines, chrysoprase, the, the ceibos, royal road, the moans, the, garnets, turquoise, the cedars, topaz, the pearls, the sapphires, the gems, av. Cesar Vallejo, the amethysts, the poncists, raldas, the esme, prolong. Cesar Vallejo, Panamerican’s highway, av. high voltage, av. industrial road, the sapphires, the topaz, the cypresses, av. royal road, prolong. Cesar Vallejo, the screws, the pines, the silices, the diamonds, the rubies, stgo. rose bushes, lush, Alfonso Calmet, diego quispe tito, teofilo castillo, Matias teacher, Bejarano, p. red, fernandini, honorio fino, av. federico villarreal, a., salamanca, basilio pacheco, gil castro, rafael sanzio, pablo picaso, zapata frames, trujillo, I was going to do it, brogue, Archimedes, pasteur, von humbolt, pro, Peru, av. north america, prolong. Union, majors, you lie, lambayeque, talara, pasco, pacasmayo, piura, huamachuco, iquitos, Chiclayo, valley, ica, I like, yl, guzman, barron, mariategui, marian, to melt, merino, urethra, heraud, god, amaryllis, rivaguerous, e. lora, fco. tie, corpancho, carlos baca flor, pancho fierro, andiron, av., Santa Cruz, carlos wiesse, rafael sanzio de, Julia, codesido, av. ricardo palma, urbain, c. brent, n. corpancho, to swing, cavero toledo, hawk, h. from, reano, p. jet, g. key, l. huntsman, p. iron, flower coat, Miguel, Angel, Richard, sanchez, Alberto, davila, av. goes. beautifull, Mariano Melgar, l. from reano, rafael sanzio, vinatea reynoso, leonardo de, vince, nunez, urethra, vinatea, reynoso, gutierrez, Bejarano, cristobal lozano, p. vargas, salazar bondy, av. federico villareal, the granites, av. cease, brendt, Pablo Picasso, hda. Saint Rose, moche countryside, villareal, AC. salaverry, to. sea, ancash, Garcia Calderon, leonidas veron, raul p., irrigation ditch, mochica, av. north america, av., av. miraflores, rio moche, paraguay, Puerto Rico, Cuba, sto. Sunday, av. from December, av., lilies, treboles, amancaes, urb. palms, of golf, av. from di, December, Guatemala, coast, delicious, av. of July, Panama, Mexico, Haiti, Chimu Capac, mayta, capac, av. moche, tupac, dolphin, pachacutec, capac, yupanqui, rock inca, corny, huaca, stand up, manco capac, huayna capac, saire tupac, Cahuide, Hello, tay, F. from montesinos, falcon, Cristobal, from mill, gargle of, the Vega, h. cross, av. gonzales prada, Joseph, Joaquin, incline, l

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 18, 2017

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