Uptake DWG Block for AutoCAD




Hydraulic work of uptake.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

yam, Pbase, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Right, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, home, camera, Pipe shaft, Bms auxiliary stations, River, ravine, Quota each, references, Datum elev, camera, taking, Machine house, Alignment, Pegct, Pvgrid, Pegct, Pfgct, Peg, Pegl, Pegr, Pfgc, Pgrid, Pgridt, Left, Peglt, Peg, Pdgl, Pdgr, Bp:, pi:, Ep:, Longitudinal profile esc h: esc v:, Terrain dimensions, Flush, Abscissa, Horizontal geometry, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Pavia, Pvi elev, Terrain dimensions, Flush, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Cross sections, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Cross sections, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Plant view, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, Shaft s, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Indicated, Cross-section prog, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, Plant view, Crosscut, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Indicated, Cross-section prog, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, scale:, date:, July of, code:, flat:, date, do not., Revisions, approval, date, consultant:, Municipal government of cotapata, Bolivian cochabamba, title:, design:, Plurinational state of bolivia, Tocorani micro hydroelectric project, Plant view, scale, scale, scale, Crosscut, scale, Crosscut, scale

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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