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Valparaiso DWG Block for AutoCAD

Cad Valparaiso, accuracy levels and updating the earlier errors.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

date: august, adriana germain peirano, report serai minvu region date …….., agreement city council closes …….., article general law of urbanism constructions, delimitation area affects postponement of permits, waist path, cabin boy, solar, owners, ancient road, end hill, wide beach, munizaga, p. lynch, av. Park, av. altamirano, m. executioner, sta. lucia, b. executioner, partridges, melendez, waist, Mountain range, vargas, leocanto, lonco, c. lyon, iberia, pezoa veliz, alley one, waist path, jose t.r., small square, c.henriquez, Francisco, wide, factory ravine, drawing: bruno lavin a., hernan pinto miranda, mayor, stairs, executioner, martial, suitcase, freesia, pezoa veliz, July, partridges, horace, others, road green lagoon, pezoa veliz, san pedro, Vilarino, zanartu, towers, executioner, mechanics, locals, camilo, cobos, gandarilla, Garcia Reyes, av., gral. Sucre, r. crusoe, Torquemada, path, July, waist, torquin, rucumilla, path, tupper, av. you take branches, California, adolfo fisher, path, william lyon, peragallo, u american, pje pill, drinking water, street two, pezoa, pezoa veliz, guzman, street one, waist, tunnel bustamante, south access, pje third millennium, level hope, racket, green lagoon, Pacific Ocean, Street, pje, coastal road, iquique, sector corvi, bomb j. be king, pje west, pje Sun, coastal road, green lagoon, av. of the coast, racket, coastal road, scale, llico, Street, corvi sector expansion, iquique, fuster, candia, squire, jose m.caro, pje, pje, coastal road, San Rafael, pje, coastal road, coastal road, cemetery, racket, pje north, pje south, sta. Teresa, green lagoon, coastal road, the torpedo boats, galvarino, centenary road, colipi, honesty, av. wide beach, gabriel gonzalez, t. tobago, scale, steam, red alley, Araucanian, melinka, carlos escobar, meteor, contreras, gumercindo diaz kings, street three, ana maria cotapos, huamachico, scale, pto. rich, Jamaica, steam bio, the chanas, path, pje, St. lucia, herrera, pje Carlos, guyana, rep., pje, luis guevara ortuzar, pje solidarity, guanblin, pta. sands, central valley, baden powell, violet vine, Sweden, London, edisburg, cardif, beltast, Joaquin, vienna, reikiavick, Stockholm, loreley, budapest, the bag, South wind, the turtle, south scale, Street, av. future, racket, west, twelfth, pje peaceful, green lagoon, coastal road, av., Street, scale, saints turners, lead you, tenth, William Plummer, tenth, William, south street, north, sta. Martha, Caupolican, rene monten, mayor, ramon, firefighter, riquelme, inside, passage, rene, scheinder, rene, Haiti, aconcagua, passage, psje. lead you, psje., lead you, border, passage, border, gmo. scale, gral. arteaga, honesty, gonzalez de, celinda villa, ravine, green, path, quintay, pje, felix, callejas, caraday, mattuis, pje mura, timonel aranruiz, rivadeneira, rigoleto, bishop, villarroel, pumarin, avellaneda, waist path, scale chestnuts, pje chestnuts, waist path, coastal road, Bern, amsterdam, Sofia, helsinki, vargas stoller, observer, Brussels, jross, the fleteros, from pirque, banderole, suarez, Simon Bolivar, of the buoy, of the, anchor, Joaquin, abelardo nuñez, dirt road, granite, the mill, they collect, Street, the mill, Street, v. stoller, Argonauts, baden powel, of the helmsman, Marine, d

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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