Wall – Air Chamber DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Wall – Air Chamber – Details

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Portuguese):

construction detail: wall hinged with coverage spans, air box, brick, beam strap, window sill, blind, air box, brick pipe, concrete blind box, vigota, thermal insulation wallmate thermal bridge correction, cement, brick, beam strap, air box, concrete blind box, window sill, brick pipe, air box, construction detail: wall hinged with coverage spans, cleaning concrete, gravel, massame, regularization, ground, brick, air box, beam strap, brick, extruded polystyrene, thermocouple aluminum frame, thermal insulation, extruded polystyrene, beam, plaster, lintel, window sill, blind, air box, brick pipe, concrete blind box, vigota, cleaning concrete, regularization, massame, brick, ground, gravel, extruded polystyrene, thermocouple aluminum frame, thermal insulation, lintel, extruded polystyrene, plaster, beam, construction detail: wall hinged with coverage spans, brick, air box, beam strap, window sill, blind, brick pipe, concrete blind box, air box, vigota, cleaning concrete, gravel, ground, massame, regularization, brick, thermocouple aluminum frame, extruded polystyrene, thermal insulation, extruded polystyrene, plaster, beam, lintel, construction detail: wall hinged with coverage spans, cleaning concrete, gravel, ground, massame, regularization, brick, extruded polystyrene, blind, thermocouple aluminum frame, thermal insulation, vigota, lintel, beam, plaster, mortar for fixing tiles, insulation roofmate pt, slab, clay tile, slab, thermal insulation wallmate thermal bridge correction, slab, insulation roofmate pt, mortar for fixing tiles, clay tile, slab, thermal insulation wallmate thermal bridge correction, cement, floormate insulation, slab, clay tile, clapboard, bar, thermal insulation wallmate thermal bridge correction, slab, floormate insulation, clay tile, clapboard, bar, tout venant, cleaning concrete, ceramic coating, mortar, concrete pavement, tout venant, cleaning concrete, ceramic coating, mortar, concrete pavement, tout venant, cleaning concrete, ceramic coating, mortar, concrete pavement, tout venant, cleaning concrete, ceramic coating, mortar, concrete pavement, construction detail: wall hinged with coverage spans, tout venant, ceramic coating, concrete pavement, mortar, cleaning concrete, beam strap, air box, brick, cleaning concrete, brick, regularization, massame, ground, gravel, blind, window sill, vigota, air box, concrete blind box, brick pipe, extruded polystyrene, thermocouple aluminum frame, is

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Portuguese
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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