Wall Insulation DWG Block for AutoCAD




Plaster work

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

first specialty, perspective projection, arts school crafts, pamplona, practice nº, scale:, portico:, dimension:, scale: dimensions in cm., portico:, dimension:, scale: dimensions in cm., portico:, dimension:, scale: dimensions in cm., portico:, dimension:, scale: dimensions in cm., sleep, He passed, sleep, bath, stairs, p. first, practice, p. low, measurements ii, February, ordinary exam february, p. low, units in meters, enclosure, citara l.c. view, plaster m.c.h., air camera, isolation, lucid plaster, raseo m.c., tabicon l.h.d., tabicon l.h.d., lucid plaster, raseo m.c., isolation, air camera, plaster m.c.h., citara l.c. view, tabicon l.h.d., lucid plaster, raseo m.c., isolation, air camera, plaster m.c.h., citara l.c. view, tabicon l.h.d., lucid plaster, raseo m.c., isolation, air camera, plaster m.c.h., citara l.c. view, enclosure, quote l.h.d., plaster m.c.h., air camera, isolation, lucid plaster, raseo m.c., septum l.h.s., trimmings e., air camera, lucid plaster, raseo m.c., septum l.h.s., quote l.h.d., trimmings e., plaster m.c.h., isolation, septum l.h.s., raseo m.c., lucid plaster, air camera, isolation, plaster m.c.h., trimmings e., quote l.h.d., air camera, lucid plaster, raseo m.c., septum l.h.s., quote l.h.d., trimmings e., plaster m.c.h., isolation, isolation, trimmings e., plaster m.c.h., quote l.h.d., tabicon l.h.d., raseo m.c., lucid plaster, air camera, isolation, trimmings e., quote l.h.d., tabicon l.h.d., raseo m.c., lucid plaster, air camera, plaster m.c.h., isolation, trimmings e., tabicon l.h.d., raseo m.c., lucid plaster, air camera, plaster m.c.h., quote l.h.d., trimmings e., tabicon l.h.d., raseo m.c., lucid plaster, isolation, air camera, plaster m.c.h., quote l.h.d., enclosure

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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