Yachts DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Ship yards – Fishing ships – Constructive details

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

drawn, description of the revision, rev., date, title of reference plans, approved, revised, engineering department, designed, client, r. valdez p., observations, scale, last update :, file cad :, company, star line, star line of peru sa, important note :, see attached plan of master frame, notes :, pf :, pw :, marine plywood, screw, lamination sequence, mrm, mrmrm, gmmrmrm, gmmrmrmrmr, gmmrmrmrmrmrm, nr.laminas, pu:, booth, machine room, warehouse, baseline, star-line, c. mandry, r.v.p., approved for construction, direct human consumption in prfv, master frame, star-line documentation, central line, plant view, tqe. fresh water, tqe. collision, bow panol, hatch, kitchen, washbasin, table, tqe. water, ledge, bunk, console, bridge, reference line, longitudinal elevation, sleeve, prop, features, tqe. combustion, batteries, load capacity, general dsiposicion, star line documentation, panol chains, fuel, sollado de, crew, capitan, valve angular globe close no return, check swing valve, angular valve fire, balloon valve closing no return, valve gate, ball valve, desuccion basket, priming funnel, sludge filter, self-priming suction pump, legend, bilge system diagram and services, hose, hull, discharge to the sea, service line, main deck, discharge, mechanical, suction machine room, bottom intake, pump comes, central storage suction, suction of cellar proa, suction tq. stern collision, important notes:, bilge system, retractable, cable pass, ceiling, rubber door, window, door panel, view, support, table stand, rear shelf, light base, boathouse bulkhead, ventilation duct, aa cut, engine room bow, ventilation hookah, upper shelf, folding table, command console, deckhouse, laundry, bow view, elevation, c.mandry, starline, structure hut, wood screw, r ‘:, gmmmm, gmmm, gmrmrm, gmmr’mr’mr’mr’mr’mr’, gmmr’mr’mr’mr’m, gmmr’mr’mr’mr’mr’mr ‘ mr’mr ‘, gmmrmm, cover, mrmm, see technical data of the enfibrado, in plan of house, gmmmrm, general structure, ac. stainless, bronze gun metal, mouth shaft shaft male, bronze sweet, bronze gun met., gland press gland, greased hemp, bronze, ac. naval, general assembly, material, pos, cant, description, guide of axis of man, shovel mrmrm, system of government, indicated, propulsion, file name cad:, door, panol, chains, sollado of crew, winche, vsm, room maq., panol, escape, exterior, beraco, metal babbit, ac. inox., ac., ranu., ac.inox., jhonson, tow press box, mouth of the bow stern tube, shank of the stern pipe, item, bronze mang., longitudinal cut, main engine, perkin saber, tunnel, cast bronze, iron fund., tank filling, tank ventilation, sanitary system download diagram, water system and desc. sanitary, level, flexible hose, perkin saber engine, filter, fuel system

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Materials Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Deck / Patio
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  • Released

    December 30, 2017

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