Zoning Map Of The City Of Piura – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Map of the City of Piura – Peru, Zoned

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

interprovincial routes, collector routes, main roads, main roads in the expansion zone, zf, rmd, z.arq., ou, municipal camal, to the league, rmd, zau, rbd, to catacaos, residential, or cement., zau, rbd, zr, rad, a paita, small and medium sized industrial enterprise, to sullana, agricultural use, to the ejidos, to the high piura, to chulucanas, zre, zc, urban reserve, cemetery of castilla, to chiclayo, park centenary, metropolitan zonal park, control booth, collector, industrial, area, via, north, chulucanas, av., textile, piura, prolongation, emp., hernandez, apv, avifap, ucisa, cemetery, metropolitan, av. ignacio merino, hill, sanchez, prolongation sanchez hill, mute, school, av. panamericana norte, deaf, legend, residential area, low density residence, medium density residence, rmd, high density residence, rad, housing workshop, commercial area, industrial zone, elementary industry and, urban equipment, education, health, recreation area, special uses, other uses, afforestation area, agro-urban zone, zau, agricultural area, symbolism, lagoon, river, public services, za, heavy industry, special regulation zone, zre, manuel, turquia, portugal, mexico, haiti, hawaii, rome, morocco, kenedy, shooting range, carob trees, urb., anitole, the mercedes, beautiful skyline, jorge, av. j. carlos mariategui, av. san martin de porres, first of December, av. mario a. balan, av. j. g. condorcano, j. marticorena, a v e n i d a g a u, aguirre, union, villar, ferre, huascar, street, pedro garzon, diego, elias, meliton, carbajal, palma, s. of the lighthouses, amaru, albujar, john, chirichigno, sicchez, calle huarmas, grau, well, fernando, castro, enrique, felipe, rosa, pacaipampa, sapillica, sand, cold, paimas, sondor, marcavelica, calle sondor, alcedo, salaverry, fortunato, ricardo, gnp, monitor, minist., agric., israel, belgium, india, passage, military, pekin, czechoslovakia, poland, savior, france, greece, avenue, scotland, brazil, venezuela, v., Peru, Yugoslavia, Mariategui, Ugarte, Alfonso, Carlos, Jose, Italy, America, Spain, San Francisco, Andes, Las Martin, Alameda, Libertadores, Australia, Calle Sondorillo, Cancones, Av. santa rosa, querecotillo, montero, ayabaca, sto. Sunday, new town, huarcabamba, rincona, llicure, miguel czech, panama, morropon, talara, canchaque, jr. salitral, c i r c u n c a l a n c a l a n e, christ us valga, bolivia, chile, uruguay, colombia, cuba, china, alaska, puerto nico, canada, costa rica, alvarado, alm. Miguel Grau, c.e., popular, May 2, basadre, los, jr. huancavelica, paraguay, fatovi, logoin street, sullana, jiron bellavista, mateo, mori, castillo, salitral, mencopa, jr. tamarind, jr. the pitch, the organs, jiron, jr. i. escudero, d. to. carrion, novoa, c. bong, h. they valdizan, heralo, vigil, merino, alegria, a. salaverry, j. s. chocano, av. chulucanas, b. huaman, melgar, vargas machaca, ciro, the sea, javier, pedro, j. Baptist, j. m. arguedas, palmas, juan, sta. catalina, the huaca, marcora, oratorio, don bosco, j. chavez, jr. chalaco, vichayal, velasco, s. pasapera, mariano, a. quiñones, colona castle, allemos, e. l. albujar, r. montero, october, mancora, jose marti, de san martin, j. abelardo, deposit, ecasa, energoproyek, c.e., i. s. t., alm. miguel grau, pumacahua, petro, peru, taboada, ernesto, alejandro, che, p r o l o n g a c i o n av. grau, fairground, progress, radio, antenna, r. castilla, j. olaya, chavez, f. Garcia, September, Hidalgo Hidalgo, Jr. portocarrero, entel peru, coop. i.c.a., the capullanes, m. cevallo, figueroa, guevara, noel, tupac, the dawn, a.h.m., fatima, s a n t a r a s, the tallanes, micaela bastides, the capulinas, san sebastian, a. h. new hope, bankers, employees, federation, entel, jauregui, falklands, ficus, gardens, spring, moroni, educators, september, cc., ss.pp., pastaza, martires, sullana, thanks, unit, neighborhood, the ficus , huancavelica, sta. Maria del Pinar, January, prolon. av. sullana, garcilazo de la vega, jose olaya, scorza, av. sullana west, a. h. the palms, psje., jr. salaverry, geraniums, laurels, tomas, santo, tangarara, carnations, sunflowers, jasmines, orange trees, poplars, pines, cypresses, diamelas, agurto, sedative, j. Arteaga, c e s a r, Luis, e. lopez, almond, lebanon, japan, egypt, ignasio, l a s, f l o r e s, v a l l j o, a. moreta, napo, annex, cushing, richard, sta. elena, atienza, blas, jr., antonio, elsa, elders, asylum, lion, g u l l a n, cuts, miguel, striped, garcia, omar, arellano, res, c. n. our lady, hotel, fatima, catacaos, tambogrande, hills, hospital, procer, c.n.n., j i r o n, apurimac, villa, tonsman, diegues, coliseum, av. cadazzo salazar, otto, ayacucho, camino, fap, titans,

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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