San Giorgio Mayore Church DWG Section for AutoCAD




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pessoas, century XVI, francisco king of france, House of Austrian Spanish House of Spain, war of spain germany against france, nationalism wars for territorial power, sacking of Rome, Protestant revolution, felipe ii, The successor of Callos after his abdication as defender of the persecuted Protestants. continued with the monarchical absolutism of Spain. signed peace with France as the creator of the invincible army, Pope lion, belonging to the medicis family. turned the papacy into the dominant force of italy, religion happens to be a topic of European disunity, Pope clemente vll, important patron, papa pablo iii, Martin Luther, He published his theses. It is based on San Agustin just live by the against the sale of indulgences., lawsuit against indulgences, congresses of Spira augsburgo., peace of augsburgo, Juan Calvino, French reformer ruled gin regime inquisitor., Council of Trento met until, He condemned the reform of the Protestants. He set a true Catholic doctrine against the clergy., Pope Sixtus, reform in the administration of the church. Public works in Rome. Tax credits issue supported Felipe II in his war against Elizabeth of England., uprising of the Netherlands of Spain the invincible army against england, wars of religion in france, counter-reformation, monarchical absolutism, the reconstruction of the church begins, full roma venice, mannerism, Cinquicento Roma of the Popes, centralized plants of Latin cross monumentality. the decoration sew on triangular pediments medallions niches, donato twine, san pietro in montorio roma, michele sanmicheli, palazzo grimani venice, sangallo the young, Palace Farnese Rome, treatists of classicism, contemporaries of the Mannerists. art of the counterreformation style maturity. increase of decorative architectural elements, jacopo da vignola, ordini treatise the type of jesuitic church near the baroque, church of gesú roma, cannon run with double pillars. banked dome, Farnese villa in Caprarola, andrea palladio, giacomo della porta, he wrote the four books of rationality architecture in front of the Mannerist subjectivism. rhythm in succession of the architectural elements and use of sculptures, san giorgio maggiore venice, Facades of two superimposed temples. giant order minor orders., vicenza rotunda villa, four temple porticos ending in a symmetrical building dome on all sides., elements seen in previous writers representing the art of counter-reform. baroque introducer, facade il gesú roma, Biography in Padua in working as a pedrero moves vicenza where he is admitted in the workshop Giovanni da Porlezza. known giangiorgio humanist recognized in which through Palladio is related to the most notable characters of the city thanks who can complete their training. In August he received the title of architect in his first trip to Rome in the company of Trissino. New in Rome from to visit carefully studied the ancient monuments. Patir of his forty years realizes several stately villas in vicenza is awarded in thiene palace. he is a senior architect of the basilica pallazo della ragione venice palladio is mainly dedicated to public religious architecture l’antichità di roma based on his travels the city published in venice the famous treaty quatrro libri dell’architettura founded in vicenza the academy society that had as an object to promote the cult for classical culture. he is admitted as a member of the academy of design in Florence, he takes the position of architect, adviser of happening jacopo sansovino palladio dies in vicenza on August of the age of years, Characteristics of its architecture typical of Roman motifs freely many of the elements of classical language facades are characterized by composure serenity simplicity. architect who developed an organized system for the layout of private rooms. who placed porticoes with pediments in residential buildings. He specialized in the construction of iglisias palaces, vicenza chiericati palace, Church of the Redeemer Venice, villa piovene vicenza, art architecture, andrea palladio, leading architects, The first book deals with the tools of the architect: choosing the elements as the rules of the way to organize these elements to unite them., the second contains several palladium designs in the section section with a description of each project showing the application of the rules contained in the book, the third describes how to build public buildings as squares. presents two of his projects the archaeological reconstructions of ancient constructions., The fourth deals with the temples built by the ancients presents some reconstructions of the archaeological remains of Rome., san giorgio maggiore analysis, shaped plant

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