Several Cad Templates 3D DWG Model for AutoCAD

templates people, plants, cars and furniture

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

black matte, black plastic, chrome gifmap, glass, metal cherry red, orange plastic, red plastic, red tile pattern, copper, cyan metalic, chrome victorian, monospaced, monospace italic, monospace bold, monospace bold italic, swiss condensed black, swiss condensed black italic, expanded, swiss expanded light, swiss expanded, swiss expanded bold, swiss expanded black, outline, swiss outline bold, swiss outline black, swiss outline bold condensed, swiss regular, swiss italic, swiss bold, swiss bold italic, swiss black, swiss black italic, condensed, swiss condensed light, swiss condensed light italic, swiss condensed, swiss condensed italic, swiss condensed bold, swiss condensed bold italic, regular, swiss light, swiss light italic, univeral math, commercial pi, commercial script, vineta, architect’s hand lettered, stylus regular, bank gothic light, bank gothic medium, dutch bold italic, dutch expanded bold, dutch regular, dutch italic, dutch bold, instalacion a alcantarilla, toma de agua potable, soportes de h.a., piso sujeto al piso por pernos, vereda, suelo natural, area para la puerta, ventilacion, cubierta, circulacion de aire, lamina metalica

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Model
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Glass, Plastic, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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CAD Projects

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