Pavement Details, Curbs And Edges DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Pavement Details; curb stone; retaining beams; end beams

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

width, width, alley width, road width, between asphalt paved roads, and interlock block paved alleys, concrete end beam location, not to scale, concrete end beam, interlock block paved alley, asphalt paved road, concrete end beam, interlock block paved road, concrete end beam location, between asphalt, and interlock block paved roads, not to scale, road width, the natural ground, not to scale, between pavement layers and, concrete retaining beam location, along deteriorated wall, end beam, existing wall, not to scale, concrete end beam location, variable, pavement layers, natural ground level, retaining beam, between pavement layers and, concrete end beam location, not to scale, natural ground of same levels, where no walls are existing, retaining beam, natural ground level, pavement layers, pavement layers, natural ground level, plain concrete, dry plain concrete, stirrup, stirrup, dray plain concrete, aggregate base course, compacted crushed, not to scale, door width, typical longitudinal section in, front of depressed house door, top level of curb, house door level, top level of curb, road side, compacted crushed, aggregate base course, sidewalk curbstone, scale, dry plain concrete, plain concrete, interlock block paver, not to scale, existing wall, cement mortar, adjust to good wall, pavement layers, notes:, all dimensions are in cm., with yield stress of, concrete cover for steel is, steel used is high tensile, median curbstone, scale, dry plain concrete, aggregate base course, compacted crushed, plain concrete, end beam, scale, garden curbstone, scale, retaining beam, scale, sidewalk curbstone, scale, section

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park
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