Maracaibo 2005 DWG Plan for AutoCAD




Zoning plan of the new ordinances of Maracaibo 2005

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

mayor of, maracaibo, sheet:, date:, scale:, January, local urban development plan for maracaibo, planned residential polygon, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Zulia state, mayor of the municipality maracaibo, local urban development plan for maracaibo pdum, zoning plan of the city of maracaibo, general zoning, north, graphic scale:, residential polygon, residential coastal polygon, residential polygon historic, historical polygon, residential metro polygon, polygon urban renewal, ndr new residential developments, pcr recreational coastal polygon, cv local trade, cvm, sic coastal industrial service, polygon urban renewal, cc communal trade, ccm, yes industrial services, yes industrial metro service, ac conservation areas, zi industrial zone, pa polygon care, eg educational polygon, pcb polygon neighborhood consolidation, psc polygon socio cultural, government administrative polygon, cr trade recreational, only for review of the municipal chamber, api areas of infrastructure protection, prd sports recreational polygon, ucm supplementary use meter, zp protective zone, yes, api, ucm, and a, and a, yes, ccm, api, ccm, cvm, cvm, cvm, cvm, ucm, api, api, api, cvm, ccm, protective area, prp, protective area, ndr, prp, ndr, prp, prp, prp, p, pcb, pcb, protective area, pcb, pcr, pcr, p, prd, psc, prd, pcb, pcb, p, pe light, p, pcb, p, pcb, p, pcb, prd, pcb, p, p, pe light, pcb, prd, pcb, p, p, psc, prd, pcb, p, pcb, prd, pcb, psc, p, p, pcb, prd, pcb, pcr, pe light, pcb, prp, pcb, p, pcb, p, prd, prp, pcb, psc, pcb, ndr, prd, prp, prp, pcb, p, prp, pcb, pcb, pcb, prp, p, prp, prp, prp, prp, pcb, pcb, pcb, prd, prp, pcb, pcb, prp, prp, pcb, pcb, prd, pe light, prp, prp, pe light, api, p, prp, pe light, prp, pcb, prp, pcb, pcb, prp, pcb, prp, pcb, prp, api, pcb, cvm, ccm, pcb, prp, yes, api, prp, ucm, pcb, ndr, pcb, prp, ndr, ucm, pcb, prp, ndr, prp, pcb, pcb, pcb, ndr, pcb, pcb, pcb, prp, pcb, pcb, ndr, prp, pcb, pcb, pcb, pcb, prp, pcb, prd, pcb, ndr, pcb, zp protective zone, ucm supplementary use meter, prd sports recreational polygon, pcb polygon neighborhood consolidation, government administrative polygon, psc polygon socio cultural, eg educational polygon, pa polygon care, zi industrial zone, ac conservation areas, yes industrial services, sic coastal industrial service, yes industrial metro service, cr trade recreational, ccm, cc communal trade, cvm, cv local trade, pcr recreational coastal polygon, ndr new residential developments, polygon urban renewal, api areas of infrastructure protection, historical polygon, residential polygon historic, residential metro polygon, residential coastal polygon, residential polygon, planned residential polygon, local urban development plan for maracaibo pdum, historical polygon, graphic scale:, north, zoning plan, municipality of the sea

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Plan
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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