Auto Services Station DWG Block for AutoCAD
Petrol station
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Galician):
north, e. carranza, nezahualcoyotl, eucalyptus, b. dominguez, eucalyptus, belizario dominguez, nezahualcoyotl, emilio carranza, biblio cad, main facade, tanks position plant, independent distinctive ad, garden, east facade, offices and general services, dispensary, wc women, commercial premises, cellar, machines, climbs, wc men, low architectural plant, cistern, high architectural plant, bathroom, administration, corridor, low, to ”, cellar, shut off, motor, maxima, check, mark zeros, water, water, greasy waters, rainwater, an, ag, ap, log with blind cover, sandbox and trap of beaks, general architectural plant, bap, ag, a. n. j., to the general network, extinguisher, protective element, garbage dump, column, island, oil axis cabinet, water and air dispenser, grid register, sandbox and grease trap, magna, lead free, premium, is oooo, general orientated façade, mini-station, municipal network, mini service station, faculty of architecture cu, autonomous university benito juarez de oaxaca, localization sketch, ocatvo semestre grupo d, alum .: germain loaeza salinas, arq. carlos velasco kauffman, pemex, symbology, cut according to y-y ‘, north facade, polygonal of the building, tank, register, observation well, garden, s.t.v.
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Other |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Gas & Service Stations |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park |
Tags | auto, autocad, block, dispenser, DWG, service, service station, Services, Station |