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Axis Line Highway With Civilcad DWG Block for AutoCAD

How to calculate and plot for a road axis line with Civilcad program.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:

agua, potable, nahualapan, marhame, cihuacoatl, meztli, isabeltola, cjon. sta., mitz, xochiquetzal, potonchan, av. huitzilihuitl, citli, tlacamichin, tlazolteotl, tlacopan, avenida insurgentes, priv. i. verdes, chalchin, coatlic, mixcoatl, camestli, cacama, chantico, tenochtitlan, tepalcatzin, camino:, carretera mexico – toluca, tramo:, estacion:, sub-tramo:, la marqueza, origen:, f a z e n d a, p i t i m b u, mata, le entrada, le salida, ste, cuadro de curvas horizontales, curva, delta, radio, arco, stan, cuerda, area, bajo cuerda, rumbo cuerda, perfil eje de proyecto, pcv, piv, ptv, eje de trazo, limite vial, cuadro de construccion de eje, lado, distancia, rumbo, coordenadas, est

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language English
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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