Backing Board Semidirect Multiple Plate DWG Section for AutoCAD




Plaster plates – Pladur – Backing board semidirect multiple plate- 13 files – Details – Sections – Unions

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

horizontal section, semi-directional multiple plate, master modulation, bolts pm, din, note: dimensions in mm, scale, support wall, anchor wall, master planner, sole, note: dimensions in mm, master thesis, wall anchors, plasterboard, screw bolt, Wall, master planner, semi-directional multiple plate, vertical section, din, scale, floor, according to master modulation, master modulation, din, master piece solution, semi-directional multiple plate, note: dimensions in mm, scale, Wall, board joints, ceiling, screw bolt, teachers, board joints, teacher, plasterboard, start, teacher of, according to master modulation, master modulation, keep going, din, semi-directional multiple plate, floor, scale, note: dimensions in mm, Wall, board joints, teachers, continuous, screw bolt, ceiling, screw bolt, teacher, plasterboard, board joints, teacher of, start, screw bolt, din, multiple offsets, general overview, plasterboard, Wall, master anchor, stuck, teacher, note: dimensions in mm, master modulation, unscaled, master thesis, plasterboard, master modulation, din, semi-directional multiple plate, corner meeting, scale, note: dimensions in mm, Wall, plasterboard, Wall, teacher, anchor wall, screw bolt, master modulation, din, semi-directional multiple plate, corner meeting, scale, note: dimensions in mm, Wall, plasterboard, Wall, teacher, screw bolt, anchor wall, din, semi-directional multiple plate, meeting at an angle, master modulation, scale, note: dimensions in mm, Wall, plasterboard, teacher, anchor wall, Wall, screw bolt, teacher, din, meeting at an angle, semi-directional multiple plate, master modulation, scale, note: dimensions in mm, teacher, plasterboard, Wall, anchor wall, Wall, screw bolt, teacher, note: dimensions in mm, sole, wrought, seat base, skirting board, plasterboard, Wall, teacher, encounter with normal, semi-directional multiple plate, din, scale, protection, thermal insulation …, note: dimensions in mm, seat base, wrought, waterproof, sole, elastic seal, skirting board, plasterboard, Wall, teacher, waterproof match, semi-directional multiple plate, din, scale, waterproof sheet, posterior elimination, note: dimensions in mm, desolidarizacion, seat base, board of, wrought, sole, semi-directional multiple plate, meeting with previous floor, plasterboard, teacher, Wall, scale, din, m: master modulation, note: dimensions in mm, metal, plasterboard, anchor wall, plasterboard, start amount, teacher, isolating material, screw bolt, meeting teacher, plasterboard, screw bolt, scale, semi-directional multiple plate, din, meeting with metal pladur partition, e: total thickness plaster unit, m: modulation amounts, v: variable, semi-directional multiple plate, flashing, din, dilatation meeting, stuck nailed, plasterboard, teacher, Wall, note: dimensions in mm, scale, sealed, free, screw bolt, dilatation meeting, anchor to the wall, support wall, e: total thickness plaster unit

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
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File Type dwg
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