Base Grafica Ayacucho DWG Block for AutoCAD




Base graphical Ayacucho

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

location proposed to the user, green area, asoc. pro virgin housing of fatima, remaining servitude of passage, common alley, jr. fray p. mañaricua, immaculate portal, independence portal, union portal, municipal portal, jr. jose carlos mariategui, prolog. jr. ciro alegria, prolog., jr. cesar vallejo, jr. mariscal caceres, jr. javier heraud, av. ayacucho, galvez, vallejo, jr. cease, jr. ciro alegria, circunvalacion, jr., road to ayacucho, psje. ricardo palma, jr. loreto, jr. acocro, psje. ccochapucro, psje. freedom, jr. mariano sosa, jr. mariano, santos chocano, psje. jose, psje. F. bolognesi, jr. Lima, jr. cordova, jr. cuzco, av. cemetery, prolog. av. ayacucho, psje. gazebo, passage, ca. Walnuts, ca. the fruit trees, av. the cedars, ca. the plums, ca. the willows, ca. we love them, jr. the tuberose, ca. the ceresos, ca. the pines, ca. the olive trees, jr. the laurels, ca. the cypresses, ca. the eucalyptus, psje. the birches, ca. the oaks, road to pampamarca, ca. Quinoa, ca. lampa, av. andahuaylas, ca. freedom, road to seccelambras, road to andahuaylas, jr. los angeles, jr. huaytara, jr. the proceres, jr. Cangallo, ca. puca cruz, ca. lucanas, jr. huanta, av. martinez, jr. munguea, jr. chavez, jr. zaype, jr. huachano, jr. melchor, psje. palomino, jr. ayacucho, jr. charapa, jr. tacna, jr. the sea, jr. quinoa, jr. tambo, psje. wari, jr. wari, jr .. palomino, road ayacucho, -carhuaschoque, jr. bolivar, ca. cumana, jr. pichincha,, alameda barcelona, ​​psje. Maracaibo, ca. caracas, ca. tachira, alameda barcelona, ​​av. venezuela, path, alameda, alameda luis carranza, jr. condorcanqui, alameda jose c., mariategui, jiron ica, av. Mr. of quinuapata, jr. peru, jose c. mariategui, psje. Mr. of, miracles, first of, may, street, alameda guaman poma de ayala, av. the Andes, prol. jr. freedom, avenue a, jr. viewpoints, rainwater, water channel, jr. huamanga, jr. jose olaya, av. peru, jr. morro de arica, pje. amauta, jr. piscotambo, jr. to. jose de sucre, jr. john sunday grandson, pje. los angeles, jr. venezuela, liberators, via, via the liberators, the, prol. jr. callao, jr. juan domingo, psj. los angeles, psj. san cristobal, jr. pokra, jr. americo ore, psj. amauta, jr pokra, rainwater channel, water channel, canal, grandson, waters, av. agustin gamarra, av. nery garcia zarate, av. university, street a, street c, street b, street independence, av. perez de cuellar, sports field, initial, park, street manco capac, avenue – a, parking, central park and, education center, park, playground, park, javier heraud, prol., andes, heraud, javier , huanuco, psje, jr ciro alegria, jr the people, amauta, arguedas, maria, san, martin, puca, angeles, jr los, democracy, mar, jr new democracy, jr no name, jr ancash, av los andes, jr yurac yurac, yuracc, aires, jr good, jr my peru, jose olaya, san martin, way of avoidance, passage tarapaca, av agustin gamarra, prolongation jr freedom, psje. without name, jiron los tunales, jiron los alamos, passage casuarinas, jiron las flores, jiron los carnations, palms, las, pasaje palms, jiron, ccorihuillca, jiron los tunales, nameless, cypresses, willows, passage los pinos , jiron las americas, jasmines, jiron los tunuales, willows, sunflowers, jiron las americas, casuarinas, virgin passage of candelaria, willows, pines, tunuales, via liberators, carnations, access road to the reservoir, passage to the rose bushes, alameda los pinos, jiron los molles, dry ravine, jr. cactus, alameda los pinos, de hermanos, jr. the union, jr. the cabuyales, pedestrian, road, pje. the weccontos, the dahlias, av., nazca, tiahuanaco, pje., pje, mochica, pokra, great chimu, paracas, curicancha, wari, prol. jr., jr. sican, chavin, qda .quinuapata, huachanan, qda. tucupa, prolg. psje. mochica, via puracuti, ravine of acco acco, channeling of rainwater, auqui, jr. luis carranza, jr. raymondi, jr. jet, jet, jr argentina, jr. cahuide, psje. pichincha, channeling broken of sotocc chaca, jr. tupac amaru, jr. basilio, jr. pumacahua, amaru, jr. tupac, prolongation jr. manco capac, jr. jose olaya, jr. pokras, av. mariscal caceres, jr. jose galvez, jr. san joaquin, jr. moore, jr. carbajal, jr. Miguel Astete, Jr. grau, psje. inclan, av. los angeles, jr. santa elena, jr. iguain, jr. bolognesi, jr. the walnuts, av. the palm trees, jr. the olive trees, jr. the pines, jr. parinacochas, jr. versalles, psje., channel for huayco, sta. cecilia, pte. santa cecilia, qda, santa cecilia, qda, santa ana, jr. jupiter, jr. spring, jr. moon, psje. asteroid, psje. the willows, jr. centenary, psje. the walnuts, psje. alcanfores, psje. rainbow, psje. the ficus, psje. the pines, jr. the willows, jr. the cypresses, jr. the cedars,

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Parking
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