Bikeways DWG Block for AutoCAD
Ciclovias for any type of terrain.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
banq, cover, gutter, piebanq, column, box, niv, ce, bleachers, wall, piemuro, banqcalle, rostropared, candela, street, concrete, face, asfal, cajaaguap, asfalconcreto, bord, banqrostro, cunetafin, foot, rostroent, pole, banqgradas, rampagradas, thickness, rampapie, rostrofin, mesh, ramp, callegradas, banqrampa, callerampa, piemurogradas, piecor, rostroparedb, pedest, callejon, rostrocallejon, muromalla, piemurograda, face column, banqextend, calleextend, wall, tensor, piemurogradaigle, piegra, grosormuro, pierampa, label, piegradas, post, cunetaasfal, cunetapie, piejardinera, cerent, columnacer, cunetapiemuro, chair, callejonextend, mallaent, gradasmetal, rostrobanq, columnamalla, piebanqmuro, telephone, cermalla, rostrodentroprop, cerinicio, columnaent, tier, banqpie, cerlaminaent, caragrada, piebanqrampa, cerfin, rampaasfal, callebanq, piebanqgrada, asfalcuneta, calleasfal, banqgrada, cerlammina, well, piegradamuro, rampaexten, murogradas, banqpiegrada, rostrocer, m uropie, murocor, cunetacalle, rostromuro, rostromuromalla, muromallaent, muromallarostro, pieban, pieasfal, asfalrampa, garita, rostrocolumnaent, callebanqpiegrad, bridge, puentepie, fond, rostrocalle, rostrocalleent, columnarostrocal, project, content, planner, owner, scale, date, drawing, the old guatemala, indicated, march, ciclovia, modifications :, marlon, hernandez, roundabout, existing soccer field, entrance, exit, ciclovia road, indicates direction view of cuts, ruins of the hermitage of animas, ruins of the don pedro armengol, road, sidewalk, zebra crossing, direction of the road, double via, ridges, monuments, nomenclature, property limit, graphic scale, cycle project, parking, plant barrier, graphic scale, private limit, walls of stone
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Roads, Bridges and Dams |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Other |
Measurement Units | Imperial |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park, Parking |
Tags | autocad, block, DWG, HIGHWAY, pavement, pedestrian, Road, route, terrain, type |