Cadastre Municipality Of Pachalum; Quicho; Guatemala DWG Block for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

p.n.c., central catholic church, storage tank, church, juzg., catholic church, library, general cemetery, Harvest, fuel station, valito, insane pachalum, mpal palace, Park, fuel station, quetzal, alley illusions, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, zone, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, cod. classif cat., area, dist. front, dist. background, zone, route joyabaj pachalum, street flowers, highway, volvacillos, street flowers, pachalum route, the chol, azaleas street, orange road, the foundations, street hortencias, street magnolias, street hortencias, street magnolias, av. the orchids, street tulips, av. Belladonna, av. the fusias, cabbage. private, calle rosita, Key street, av. the bervena, vehicular bridge, frames pinzon, cubulco road, street the carnations, av. the jacarandas, av. the bougainvilleas, av. the geraniums, av. the glades, los jazmines street, av. the geraniums, white nun street, street los nazarenos, callejon las vijaguas, av. the camellias, av. the nasturtiums, av. the key hinas, street the dahlias, forest flame street, av. the chrysanthemums, av. the lilies, vehicular bridge, road factor, road high, White stones, av. the jacarandas, av. the bougainvilleas, street the Easter, av. the geraniums, av. the violas, av. the key hinas, street begonias, street margaritas, av. the floridfundias, street margaritas, av. the chrysanthemums, street las acaceas, roses street, alley the margaritas, alley wonder, guatemala asphalted road pachalum, zone, cadastral plan, of the municipality of Quiche., scale, sports arena, c. of health, firemen m., hotel, building Underground, tank of, Water, field of the fair, Coliseum, taurine, trail, municipal, mts graphic scale, symbology, polygon where built housing exists, property without housing, coding of catasral classification, c.c., urban boundary, inner streets, roads, bridges, broken, type of installation built, text, formed by digits indicates the following., do not. of housing, do not. polygon area, mpio code from pachalum, code of the apartment. from quiche, symbol, detail

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 15, 2017

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