Cajamarca Church – Peru DWG Section for AutoCAD




Cajamarca Church – Full Survey – Plants – Sections – Elevations – Details

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

nuts, shell peening for southern steel cross, southern steel cross, southern sandstone cut, shell cross cutting: a – a, shell reinforced structure, cornice, shell, traction and compression zone, compression zone , axis dome, diagram that defines zones of structural behavior of the shell, church of the immaculate conception of Maria, lightened slabs, project :, plane :, lightened first level, length of widening, widening of beam, lightened and full slabs, lightened second level, k ” ‘, j’ ”, fourth level armed slab, j ”, k ”, third level reinforced slab, detail of lightened and full slabs, design parameters full slabs and shells., Andean tile, Detail of bending of southern steel, detail in elevation of the system of subjection between the cross and the dome, technical specifications, parameters of design lightweight slab ., full slabs and shells, bent for crossing of southern steel, steel in the parallels, banked zone of the shell, longitudinal cut, nut, typical fourth level slab, detail in plan of the system of subjection between the cross and the dome, detail typical of reinforced slab third level, cut: a – a: b – b, beams and columns, portico axis d – d, edge of beam, lightened, portico axis u – u, section: a – b, beam slab, section: b – c, section: c – d, section: d – e, general floor staircase, design parameters of the stairs, stairs, anchoring of columns in a running foundation, details: anchoring of columns, av. vidal gaitan chavez, jr. Miraflores, the walnuts, ca. the conquerors, jr. blessed john macias, jr. the alamos, francisco de, asis, av. argentina, hospital, teresita, santa, school, pigeons, av. m. cervantes, pedro villanueva, juan antonio egusquiza, ps. the scree, toribio casanova, ps. amauta, jr.sta. apolonia, jr. petateros, jr. san pablo, neira, psje. luis rebaza, prol. ayacucho, chinchaysuyo, ps.los frailones, a cumbe may, the estanco, jr. collasuyo, jr. contisuyo, antisuyo, jr. eten, ps. Andean lily, ps. the mines, ps. the navy, ps. breña, ps. the victory, ca. cajamarca, ps. pumacahua, jr. freedom, r. palm, ps.los olives, av.peru, ca. casurco, daisies, sunflowers, c.alegria, bellavista, jr. bolivar, jr. nicolas arriola, jr. huanuco, manco capac, av. of the heroes, jr.san martin, jr. May two, ps.bellavista, jr. belen, jr. g.urrelo, jr.guadalupe, jr. loneliness, jr. ayacucho, jr. rosemary, jr. san sebastian, jr. narrow, jr. garcilazo de la vega, freedom, av. Independence, ps. argentina, jr.cumbe may, guillermo coba, jr.santos chocano, ps. the ruins, jr. san ramon, jr. cumbe may, apolonia, holy hill, jr. j.c.mariategui, m. cervantes, labarthe, cesar vallejo, jorge chavez, ciro alegria, jr. loreto, jorge, jr. ilo, jr. abancay, jr. ica, sta.isabel, mollendo, psje. Daniela. Carrion, future, ps. Delights, ps. rosendo, ps. san nicolas, ca. m. noriega, jr.tacna, jr.piura, jr. moquegua, jr. horacio urteaga, psje. atahualpa, jr. apurimac, jr. the sea, jr. tarapaca, ps.san ramon, ps.sofia alva ch., av. peru, jr. jose galvez, jr. juan villanueva, jr. union, urubamba, neighborhood delta, jr.ancon, jr.sullana, jr.jose c., mariategui, jr. revolution, river san vicente, jr ucayali, jr. amalia puga, jr. horacio urteaga, jr.juan villanueva, jr.jose galvez, jr. pisagua, jr. of commerce, jr. junin, jr. lamar, jr. tayabamba, jr. mussels, jr. amazonas, ps. urubamba, jr. illimani, hive, jr. spring, jr.san salvador, jr. Miguel Grau, prol. guadalupe, ped.ruiz, june, san lorenzo, ps.vergara, chota, san marcos, sta. cross, jaen, san miguel, contumaza, cajabamba, celendin, s.ignacio, guerrero, coimolache, jr. belgium, jr. Inca baths, ps. colladar, shaullo, ps.orquideas, ps. cumulca, av. mario urteaga, av. the teacher, jr. amalia puga, i.p.s., san, ramon, juan xxiii, via de evitamiento, pumacahua, jr.leoncio, meadow, plg.miguel, grau, jr. mariano, melgar, jr. the Inca, jr. five corners, jr.jose, sabogal, amazonas, m.urteaga, hualcon, huascaran, huanday, el misti, marquez, jr. arnaldo, j.c.tello, v.humbolt, ps. to. raimondi, psje. san roque, asoc toribio casanova, children of Peru, foundation by the, jr.delfin cerna, jr. amancaes, ps.j.c.tello, san roque, asylum, av. holes blond, jr. sor manuela gil, jr. santa teresa jornet, jr.prol. Tayabamba, the olive trees, ca. Daniela. carrion, jr. san ginez, luis a. sanchez, gonzales prada, jr. rosa novoa, gladioli, jasmine, gardenia, palms, jr. bambamarca, jr. tupac amaru, jr. leguia, jr. contamana, freznos, jr. iquique, ps.the wit, the cherry trees, jr. the casuarinas, jr.las casuarinas, the willows, the dogos, jr.prol. revilla perez, jr.prol. the pines, ps.the mermaids, pj. santa anita, ps.antenor orrego, ps.juan pablo ii, av. way of avoidance, huaraz, mariano melgar, the child jesus, psje. cuz

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
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File Type dwg
Materials Plastic, Steel, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Deck / Patio
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