Cajatambo DWG Block for AutoCAD




CAJATAMBO LOCATION – location Cajatambo

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, populated center, cajatambo, rio cuchichaca, broken tavin, c.p. astobamba, location map, scale:, neighborhood tambo, Colombia, arequipa, national, Location, ica, I love you, huancavelica, apurimac, huanuco, lime, freedom, ancash, pasco, junin, I like, ucayali, cajamarca, lambayeque, piura, you lie, loreto, Amazon, saint, Martin, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, tacna, moquegua, fist, God, mother, area of, draft, project area, lima region, cajatambo province, district of cajatambo, sector pusgog pisacwain, district of cajatambo, province of cajatambo, region of lima, huaura, canyon, cajatambo, oyon, huaral, sings, huarochiri, lime, callao, and you, you fell, plot, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, populated center, cajatambo, rio cuchichaca, broken tavin, c.p. astobamba, location map, scale:, neighborhood tambo, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, populated center, cajatambo, rio cuchichaca, broken tavin, c.p. astobamba, location map, scale:, neighborhood tambo, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, populated center, cajatambo, rio cuchichaca, broken tavin, c.p. astobamba, location map, scale:, neighborhood tambo, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, populated center, cajatambo, rio cuchichaca, broken tavin, c.p. astobamba, location map, scale:, neighborhood tambo, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, property of, third parties, populated center, cajatambo, rio cuchichaca, broken tavin, c.p. astobamba, location map, scale:, neighborhood tambo, ing., January, draft, district, region:, province, sector, flat, provincial municipality of cajatambo, cad:, province of cajatambo region lima, date, scale, sheet, Location, cajatambo, cajatambo, lime, of system in the sector of pusgog district of cajatambo province of cajatambo region, pisacwain

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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Release Information

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  • Released

    September 17, 2017

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