Catastro – Huaura Valley – Sayan2000 DWG Block for AutoCAD




Planimetries – parcel

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

marine, belt, marine, belt, marine, belt, marine, belt, marine, belt, marine, belt, construction table, vertex, side, dist., angle, East, north, populated center, of May, sentinel hill, z.l, huaca, n.m., or what?, n.m., z.l., huaca, z.l., stalls, z.l, z.l, River, huaura, River, district, huaura, industrial area, area, eriazo, Hill, San Martin, toll the paradise, or what?, Panamerican’s highway, huaca, Hill, pampa south paradise, pampa red, lagoon paradise, paradise beach, channel, pampa red, pampa red, lagoon, The enchanted, canal foncodes, satellite city, aa.hh fujimori, pampa of animas, north pan american highway, apple orchards, asylum, lived, z.l, barn, lived, z.l, Hill, parchibus, Hill, dune, ground, eriazo, households, eye rev., eye, p.u., av. centenary, San Bartolome, av. felix cardenas, the miracle, av. stopped dead, freedom street, eye rev., barn, club, tennis, huacho, barn, home, z.l, z.l., p.u., huaca, z.l, c.a.u., z.l, Hill, n.m., z.l, z.l, I close the fifth, hill vispan, z.l, eye, lived, farm, barn, p.u., living place, hill montero, school, agricultural technician, living place, living place, countryside, sports, a.u., z.l., p.u., hill cejetuto, p.u., p.u., huaca, Hill, school, z.l., main channel, the bull, earthenware channel, in construction, drain, Hill, drain, Hill, ground eriazo, hill child of jesus, channel friends, Tupac amaru, eriazo, Hill, eriazo, ground, eriazo, totoral, Hill, channel, pampa red, red hill boy, channel, pampa red, channel four friends, drain drain, drain drain, i closed florida, large red hill, z.l., hill castilla, eriazo, asoc. sn Martin, hill cross, of May, ground, eriazo, ground, eriazo, ground, eriazo, ditch outlet, Hill, ground, eriazo, ground, eriazo, drain, populated center, the lonely man, red hill, candle hill, Hill, hill maygut, I closed the thistles, ditch outlet, Hill, eriazo, eriazo, median, building approx., z.l., z.l., n.m., n.m., drain, santa maria district, median, populated center, the Union, populated center, the plank, take san, Pedro, evacuation channel, I spend my little time, dunes, huaca, I closed the medians, z.l, z.l, Hill, ranch boy, nr, z.l, reservoir, the rosary, hill gamboa, reservoir, median, hill medano, eriazo, populated center, October, October hill, Hill, eriazo, Hill, path, rancheria, the caution, reservoir, Hill, dune, side, campsina community, from sayan, farm, San Isidro, hill gamboa, populated center, the Ville, populated center, the cove, populated center, santa anita, populated center, san bosco

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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  • Released

    September 18, 2017

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