Catastro Izcuchaca – Cusco – Peru DWG Detail for AutoCAD




Plat city Iizcuchaca – anta – Cusco – Peru; in this work the cadastral areas manzaneos buildings and construction details Iizcuchaca city shown; which was updated for the final report of land for moose district municipality

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

legend, esc:, new, municipality, provincial of anta, Location:, Dept. cusco, prov. anta., district. anta., ubigeo:, date:, cusco, sheet:, area:, urban development direction urban cadastre unit, scale:, archive:, base plane:, urban cadastre anta izcuchaca, municipality, provincial of anta, Location:, Dept. cusco, prov. anta., district. anta., ubigeo:, date:, cusco, sheet:, draft:, road alignment, scale:, archive:, base plane:, urban cadastre anta izcuchaca, tambo, scale:, urb. tambo chiracanchi, AC. fransisca zubiaga, AC. fransisca zubiaga, observed, observed, AC. fransisca zubiaga, AC. fransisca zubiaga, AC. fransisca zubiaga, AC. fransisca zubiaga, AC. fransisca zubiaga, AC. fransisca zubiaga, to. Florentine Vargas, c.a of july, to. graciela silva, street fort, street francisca zubiaga, street florida, jiron jaquijahuana, street florida, street fort, street francisca zubiaga, jiron jaquijahuana, jiron jaquijahuana, street francisca zubiaga, street francisca zubiaga, geraniums street, anansaya street, street florida, street fort, street the proceres, street urinsaya, street francisca zubiaga, geraniums street, street florida, street fort, florentine street vargas, Street, July street, chinchaypucyo street, street urinsaya, Street, street the proceres, Street, street francisca zubiaga, sports area, communal, services, education, rainwater evacuation channel, street francisca zubiaga, street the proceres

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
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File Type dwg
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