Closet Designed For Wheelchair Access DWG Full Project for AutoCAD




Closet for disabled – complete project

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

short sleeve, long sleeves, short sleeves, long sleeves, long sleeves, long sleeves, yarn, thick, yarn, cotton, outdoor lifting, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, interior elevation – drawers, upc, flat :, lamina:, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, suitcase, dvd, controls, movies, hats, scarves, ties, briefcase, decoder, accessories, interior elevation – without drawers, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, distribution of the room, upc, flat :, lamina:, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, plants of the closet for disabled, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, plants of the close t for disabled, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, shirts, trousers, diver, coats, pants, divers, jackets , suits, robe, boxes, boxes, sweaters, dvd, controls, dvd, decoder, poles, sweaters, blankets, shirts, shorts, pajamas, movies, hats, shirts mc, ml shirts, accessories, scarves, underwear, bvd, shoes, shoes, shoes, slippers, laundry basket, ties, suitcase, briefcase, cut f, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cut c, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, accessories, movies, decoder, laundry basket dirty, cuts b and c, upc, plane :, sheet :, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cut to, cut b, shirt m. l., polo shirts, shorts, underwear, dye cuts, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cut d, cut e, sweaters, pajamas, bvd, caps, suitcase, shawls, gown, shirts, blankets, polos, jean, sweaters, shirts, dvd, specifications, perforation projection, nut, typical union scheme tongue-and-groove, frames of the doors, lift, staircase, boxes, boxes, suitcase, dvd, controls, movies, polo shirts, sweaters, shorts, hats, shirt ml, dress pants, dress pants, jean, jean, dress pants, shirt mc , shirt mc, full diver, coat, jacket, full sweater, sweaters, blankets, terno, terno, robe, robe, polos dep., pajamas, dress pants, jeans, shirt ml, full diver, full diver, jacket, jacket , ties, briefcase, poles, complete diver, decoder, staircase, boxes, boxes, suitcase, dvd, controls, movies, polos, sweaters, sho rts, hats, ml shirt, dress pants, dress pants, jean, jeans, dress pants, mc shirt, mc shirt, full diver, coat, jacket, full-length sweater, sweaters, blankets, terno, terno, robe, robe , polos dep., pajamas, dress pants, jean, shirt ml, full diver, full diver, coat, jacket, ties, briefcase, poles, full diver, decoder, underwear, bividis, shirts, staircase, sheets, towels , accessories, shawls, towels, staircase, sheets, staircase, staircase, coat, exterior elevation, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, interior elevation – drawers, upc, flat :, laminate:, wooden finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, interior elevation – without drawers, upc, flat :, lamina:, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, esc wing:, distribution of the room, upc, flat :, laminate, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, floors of the closet for the disabled, upc, plan: , lamina:, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, floors of the closet for the disabled, upc, flat :, laminate:, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cut f, upc, flat :, sheet :, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date: , scale :, cut c, upc, flat :, lamina :, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cuts b and c, upc, plane :, sheet: , wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez hereje, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cut to, cut b, cuts dye, upc, flat :, sheet :, wood finishes and technology, sandra jiménez here ije, course :, student :, section :, date :, scale :, cut d, cut e, suitcase

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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Release Information

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  • Released

    December 2, 2017

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