Company Building And Apartment Tower And 3D DWG Model for AutoCAD




1st level office space and administrative area of ??the apartment, 2nd floor social area of ??the apartment, gym, swimming pool, meeting room, 3rd level to 14 , 2 apartments per floor 3 bedrooms bathroom, hall ,be study room, laundry area. From 15 to 16 level penthouse

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

hall, Pub, study, living room, to be, hall, vest, bath, vest, to be, floor, garden, Pub, dinning room, vest, bath, Pub, study, living room, to be, garden, Pub, dinning room, kitchen, fourth tv, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, to be, fourth tv, vest, bath, power plant, common lobyy, be of drivers, administ office, gas tank, glp meters, transf. elect., ee meters, reception, maintenance, depodsito, local, power plant, administration, local, phones, information, maintenance, local, commercial parking, front elevation, esc, right lateral elevation, esc, rear elevation, esc, vest, bath, pent house level floor, esc, pent house level floor, esc, architectural floor apartment type, esc, left lateral elevation, esc, architectural level level, esc, architectural floor basement, esc, depodsito, architectural floor basement, esc, depodsito, architectural level level, esc, pool, shower, terrace, bbq, terrace, fitness center, kitchen, bathrooms, meeting room, recreative area, churchill, porfirio herrera, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, hall, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, to be, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, hall, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, to be, vest, bath, vest, bath, vest, bath, to be, power plant, common lobyy, be of drivers, gas tank, glp meters, transf. elect., ee meters, reception, administ office, kitchen, administration, power plant, Deposit, maintenance, local, power plant, common lobyy, administ office, kitchen, administration, power plant, Deposit, maintenance, local, reception, ee meters, transf. elect., be of drivers, gas tank, power plant, ee meters, transf. elect., gas tank, architectural level level, esc, pool, shower, terrace, bbq, terrace, fitness center, kitchen, bathrooms, meeting room, recreative area, fitness center, meeting room, recreational area, terrace, pool, terrace

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Model
Additional Screenshots

File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Parking, Garden / Park
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Release Information

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  • Released

    November 29, 2017

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