Concepcion Plane DWG Plan for AutoCAD
Plan of Concepcion – Chile
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Venus avenue collector, Miguel Braver, Rodriguez village, longitudinal, South mouth new, South mouth, Michaihue, Pas., Pacific Ocean, Pas., Street, Pas., Street, Pas., Holy Ines, Pas., Irene Morales, Pas., High king, Saturn, Jupiter, River, Pas., Colonel patiño, or. Carrol, Pas., Manuel Rodriguez, The boldos, Sun of, peaceful, Sun of, peaceful, Galvarino, River mouth, longitudinal, Pas., The roses, Camilo henriquez, The races, Gabriela Mistral, Lautaro passage, Via colectora avenida michaihue, Rene schneider, The peumos, Pas., Railroad, colonel, route, Candelaria, I’m the loser, Pas., central, Via express fourth bridge, Pas., cross, Pas., February, of July, Pas., The boldos, Galvarino, Fourth bridge, Father stolen, conception, route, Sergeant school candelaria perez, Mouth bio bio south, Liceo san pedro, Larrain school, School orchards, School dario rooms, Michaihue school, P.m.france school, L.a.acevedo school, M.b.zañartu school, Loma colorado high school, Bridge juan pablo second, Llacolen, Industries, Villa san pedro, homegardens, Pedro del rio, Za artu, Lorenzo arenas, Vega, monumental, Bocatoma, Candelaria, South mouth, Michaihue, San pedro, co. Chepe, Way to, of May, Round lagoon, Lagoon price, route, Stage boy, Saint Joseph, Of stage, route, Estero la morera, By pass colonel, Estero, Hostal, Rio biobio, Santa juana, Pinewoods, beautiful view, the deer, The guindo, Road colonel route, Compact, Industries, Red hills, Michaihue, Lagoons, colonel, Miramar, big, lagoon, girl, Camilo henriquez, Bold, Michaihue, I’m the loser, Pedro de, Valdivia, Partridge feather, college, conception, Ecuador park, square, Independ., square, Courts, square, cross, square, Condell, station, central, Squeaky, Puchacay, They will do it, North neighborhood, chap, Avd. Arturo prat, co. The powder, co. snail, college, conception, Round lagoon, Lagoon, Three pascualas, Lagoon, Mendez, Vega, conception, Lonco, Villuco, The palms, route, The bend, route, Santa juana, Chiguayante, valdivia, The backpack, Sanders, Sanhuesa, The copihues, av. English, Ralf, av. German, September, French av, Mendez, Arrau Mendez, Eyzaguirre, Holm oak, av. central, the cinnamon, L. north, av. principal, north, L. west, Pedro de, South valdivia, Caupolican, Rio biobio, av. Pedro aguirre bristle, av. San pedro, Ambrosio, Salesians, to. Ramelli, The maitenes, J. Figari, the cherry trees, Fray gil bald, Augustinians, T. Of nurseries, The acacios, The morning, Apple trees, Dominican, Jesuits, Fco. Ramirez, The acacios, Guelen kingdom, Marigold, Lagoons, Paces of kiln, The willows, The morning, Nigger parliament, Tapihue parliament, The albarrada, Elicura, Cypress trees, The cinnamon, av. The aromas, Crabs, Millarapue, Penco, Marquez buckets, Mother jungle, The raulies, Penco, The olive trees, He cured, Poor Clares, Elizabethans, The myrtles, Augustinians, Franciscans, Augustinians, Copihues, Carmelites, Benedictines, Mercedes, Cappuccino, The peumos, pinions, The eucalyptus, We love, The lingues, Larches, The cedars, The araucarias, The acacios, The acacios, Quilombo, Corregimiento of itata, San fabian de conuco, J. Urrutia m., R. To throw you, The balls, to. Carvajal, to. From guzman, to. Bears, P. Benavente, G. From vergara, The baldos, B. Soto, J. Henriquez de novoa, The maquis, J. Gomez de v., Solar box, to. Of the rocks, the Orange trees, The hazelnuts, Valencia, Murcia, Cadiz, Cordova, Seville, Merida, pomegranate, Badajoz, Cartajena, Almeria, Barcelona, The acacios, The pyrenees, Ainoha, Basques, I’m afraid, The walnuts, Juan brave, Juan Ruiz, Luis de Toledo, Pedro, Stephen, The elder, Stephen, The patatas, Pedro, To sing, G. Gil, F. of Lion, Lilacs, Alonso sanchez, P. Gomez of the mountains, J. Negrete, D. Muñoz, The lilies, J. really, F. Rodriguez, G. Executioner, Gaspar of the houses, Fco. carter, J. Cabrera, Pedro bonal, Mortise, J. F. Gonzalez, Pacheco altamirano, N. Antunez, to. Valencia puelma, to. Moya, F. Meza, Eugenio Brito, J. Gil de castro, Camilo mori, to. Gordon, to. Embraces, Pedro luna, Pedro Lira, New street, Colipi, victory, burbot, Lap top, Galvarino, diagonal, av. Michimalonco, Coastal, Apiaries, Dullness, Luis acevedo, Pincheira, Millabu, Freesia, Guacolda, Tegualda, central, Road to the deer, Apolonio benitez, The cinnamon, Ralun, av. Andalue, Queule, Queule sur, Manquehua, Manquehua east, Calican, Calicut, Bureo, Bureo oriente, Malen south, Bad west, Malen orient, Malen south east, av. Andalue, Quinel oriente, North quinn, South quinn, av. Nahuelbuta, Budi, Remu, av. Nahuelbuta sur, av. Nahuelbuta, the daisies, the roses, The violets, the thoughts, Enrique Soro, Reindeer, G. Frick, to. Cotapos, J. Of the rose, C. Gandara, M. Tegualda, or. Perez freire, J. Zappa, R. Carnicer, Federico guzman, Ramon gil, Isidora zegers, Violet vine, M. Oak trees, C. From agurto, Moises amaral, Cow
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Plan |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Wood, Other |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, beabsicht, borough level, chile, concepcion, DWG, plan, plane, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, road design, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, urban design, urban plan, zoning |