Country Kitchen DWG Block for AutoCAD




Inventory field kitchen; including appliances.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

milk, glory, equipment, hood bosh, laundry, drawings, samsung microwave, plant, product, front elevation, appliances, rice cooker, blender, toaster, waffle maker, coffee maker, blender, juicer, kettle, utensils, frying pan small, medium frying pan, large frying pan, whole frying pan, wok pan, wok pan group, spaghetti pot, spaghetti drainer, large pot, medium pot, saucepan, large sieve, small sieve, large clay pot, medium clay pot, pot small clay, group of clay pots, sackcloth, fountain, fruit chopping board, vegetable chopping board, large pyrex, small pyrex, large taper, small taper, small thermos, large thermos, roasting pan, ice chest, juicer, condiments, can opener , sugar bowl, jar of garlic, cupcake mold, quequera, spatula, skimmer, cake spade, large whisk, carving knife, slotted spatula, ice cream spoon, table spoon, set of knives, wooden spoon, spoon n large soup, small soup spoons, slotted spoon, large jars, bread basket, small jar, covered tableware, wine glass, large glass, shotter glass, daily glass, chanpagne glass, ice cream glass, large plate, deep dish, dessert plate , cup of coffee, cup of tea, small jug, large jug, cup of milk, forks, spoon, knife, teaspoons, set of cutlery, base plate cup, pantry, oil, olive oil, sillao, vinegar, pomarola, bag of vegetable stew, popcorn bag, bag of salt, condensed milk, nesquik, large soda, water bottles, gelatin, flan, mazamorra, noodle bag, tuna, cereal, parmesan cheese, biscuit packets, infusions, snacks, preserves peach, pure, pure, grinder, salt, salt, rice bag, costeño, bonlé, parmesan, quesorallado, coffee, soda, spagguetti, bag of sugar, tuna, tea, mate, h. luisa, boldo, anise, chamomile., preserved pineapple, oatmeal, flour, chuño, individual, dryers, cleaning and others, roller, individual, group, tablecloth, large, tablecloths, large, medium, medium, boy, boys, dryers, paper napkins, cloth napkins, folded aprons, large tablecloths, small tablecloths, medium tablecloths, kitchen glove, aluminum foil, cookbook, raid, detergent, clorox, pinesol, ayudin, window cleaner, wax, paper towel, napkin holder

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Glass, Wood, Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features
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