Cuneta Geomembrane DWG Block for AutoCAD




Cutting Cuneta with geomembrane. Work longitudinal drainage covered with geomembrane.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Corsican):

geo delta consultants s.r.l, iveco, ditch, section c-c, ditch embankment foot, foot of, embankment, long. variable for each case, mercedes – benz, tube of hºaº, isometric, cyclópeo hº, entrance safe ditch, section aa, detail entry head, desarenador, section bb, level of pavement, ditch pie of, embankment, plant, salvacunata, entrance, Exit, tread surface, berm, berm, access guard, access type, banana drain, compacted filling level, with the same material, excavated., compacted filling, corrugation trench, without lining, cutting slope, trench coronation, natural terrain, isometric view, pendulum, bunker joint, splice through, specifications, minimum requirements, quality control, minimum tension acceptable in welding, geo-bending hdpe, shear strength, adhesion to the film, welding wedge, extrusion welding, properties of smooth hdpe geomembrane, properties, standard astm, unit of measurement, specific values, stress at stretch point, elongation at the Breakdown, tensile strength, tear strength, drilling resistance, resin density, masterbatch dispersion, category, amount of black smoke, in case the material is permeable, filler must be changed by another, which do not allow the entrance of water., note.-, protection of the gutter with geomembrane

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Other
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Imperial
Footprint Area
Building Features
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