Details Drainage Facilities Operation DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Deatils drainage facilities operation ; junction box; etc .
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
pipeline, pipeline, Min., Max., Tube cs.s.n., Public collector, Concrete data, Half cane finish, Concrete floor, Fc, plaster, Cement sand, rack, Registration box, With polished concrete top in, Gardens cºaº en veredas f’c, Internal installation, tube, Fc, Cement sand, King kong brick brick, Concrete box, Registration box detail, scale, register machine, Channel bottom, Threaded bronze plating on the floor, Threaded registration in hanging pipe, Bottom fund, Cape, register machine, sink, male plug, Female plug, Ventilation pipe, Sense of flow, Trap in, Public drain connection drain pipe, symbol, Pvc drain pipe, elbow, Elbow with ventilation, Simple sanitary yee, Double sanitary yee, reduction, Trap in, cross, Straight tee, Simple sanitary tee, Double sanitary tee, Trap in, Ventilation terminal on the wall, Ceiling ventilation terminal, Sense of flow, Threaded registration in hanging pipe, Threaded bronze plating on the floor, mailbox, Ventilation pipe, Female plug, male plug, Double sanitary tee, Simple sanitary tee, Straight tee, cross, Trap in, reduction, Double sanitary yee, Simple sanitary yee, Elbow with ventilation, elbow, Pvc drain pipe, symbol, Public drain connection drain pipe, sink, register machine, Cape, Bottom fund, Cape, Bottom fund, drain, Fixing bolt, Canoplas, Stained glass blue, Majolica, Tube of supply, coppermade, drain, Trap bottle, Drain outlet, One of subjection, Multiplate, In between, Support hanger, Packing, Washbasin slab, elbow, Fixing bolt, Elbow pressure, detail, Multiplate, Up pipe, ventilation, Billet, Canopla, tee, Liter tank, Fixing bolt, Blue stained mayolica, Pipe water, elbow, Tube of supply, coppermade, detail, Esc:
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Detail |
Category | Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Glass |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park |
Tags | autocad, box, deatils, DETAIL, details, drainage, DWG, einrichtungen, facilities, gas, gesundheit, junction, l'approvisionnement en eau, la sant, le gaz, machine room, maquinas, maschinenrauminstallations, operation, plumbing, provision, wasser bestimmung, water |