Details Luminaires DWG Detail for AutoCAD




This file shows the construction details when installing some lights, as well as materials and specifications.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

north, University of Guanajuato, Lascurain de retana n. C.p. Mexico, administrative building, C.p. Mauricio torres herrera, Lic. Sebastian sansberro lastiri, Lic. Cuauhtemoc Ojeda Rodriguez, Conduit pvc. Sev. Heavy per floor, Cat. do not. With bolt-on bronze floor cover, Mca. Levinton in box box square box of mm, Single phase single polarized mca. Levinton, Single-phase single floor, Contact placement detail, detail, Lighting fixture for, Decorative lighting, security, Switch of, Spring nut, front view, Lighting detail, Unicanal cat., Mca. Clevis, Aluminum tray, Mca. Cross line, Detail of pipe holding conduit in tray, Cat. Mca., Pipe, Clamp to fasten, display, Unicanal, rigid, Metal conduit, Conduit pipe, Variable diameter., Pg pg, hexagonal screw, With pulleys, Switch mounting detail, Individual pipe supports, Nail clamp base., Variable diameter, Tube bed support, variable, Rigid variable, Metal conduit, Unicanal, clamp, Threaded rod, variable, Concrete of, Hilti pin, Under concrete slab., Concrete slab, unscaled, Clamp for, Conudit type, Light use of, Square pulley, unscaled, of security, detail, detail, Specifications, Square box in overlap, Conduit pdg recessed in wall, In washbasin located in bathroom., With cap mca. Leviton cat. do not. Gw in box chalupa, Single-phase duplex with ground fault protection, Specifications, Unicanal, Mca. Clevis, Finished floor, Specifications, Chalupa galv. Square box galv. Mm, Duplex monophasic polarized with lid, In offices, Conduit pdg recessed in wall, With overlap, Mts, N.p.t., floor, With over cover, detail, natural terrain, Mounting detail contact placement duplex, Polarized with earth fault protection in bathrooms, Mts., Dice detail, Plant view, detail, danger, natural terrain, see detail, detail, danger, register of, masonry, danger, Assembly detail placement of, Polarized duplex contact, Conduit tube p.g.g. from, Single track, Universal clamp., description, Fence, E.g., conduit tube elbow of e.g., Transfer light relay, Type vaw fresnel red v., E.g., Block type vaw, Brand blocking lights, Record detail, masonry, register of, Counter frame, framework, Base of metal post., detail, Connector for heavy pvc, Projection floor lighting, Up metal additives, Catalogue, Firm of reinforced concrete., Conduit type liquatite., Heavy duty pvc conduit pipe., Curved connector for conduit conduit liquatite., Marble material selected for, Registration to house luminaire manufactured from, Registry box, Reinforced concrete., natural terrain., Finished floor, Specifications, Mark l.j. Ilimination., detail, Fluorescent luminaire, Threaded rod, With flat washer hex nut, Fixed on supports, In cm cabinet, Type of recess, Socket connector, Place earth physical lamp with, Detail of installation of fluorescent lighting, Detail of lighting installation, In floor garden of projection up, detail, Flexible hose, connections Box, slab, Ceiling, lamp, Lighting equipment, Specifications, Detail of luminaire installation, Type on ceiling, detail, detail, Minimum of mca. Similar raco., Circular conical steel pole of mts. Tall, Masonry record, Metal anchor bolt, Concrete anchor post., Socket, Lighting, Luminaire assembly detail, Specifications, Vsap lighting, sand, Tube of p.v.c. heavy., Pipe tube single conductor cable, Tube type flexible, Attached with straight connector to, Fluorescent type recessed, With energy-saving ballast, By nomenclature, Conduit indicated, support, less than, support, Max., False ceiling, detail, Placement of obstruction lights, detail, drilling, chassis, insurance, lamp, tee, Mounting detail of fluorescent luminaires, Commercial purposes for, Square box galv. Of measures, In nomenclature of, Over board, Fixing wire, Bar, detail, Type pl halogen lamps, Bell, connection box, transformer, Specifications, danger, Vsap lighting, Metal post base, Decorative post, Mts. Tall, Of mts., Masonry registration, Anchor, Given pyramidal, Pvc conduit pipe. Serv. heavy, Line, Flexible metal tube with lamp wires, Supplied by the installer, Fluorescent pl type, Metal flexible tube with cables, Detail of lighting connections, Conduit pvc. Sev. Heavy per floor, With approved humidity cap installed in, Box square box of mm, Single phase polarized, Single-phase single floor, Placement detail

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete, Masonry, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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