Developments Stairs, Bathroom, Kitchen DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Developments stairs, bathroom, kitchen with details

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Acrylic latex paint, Painted, mirror, Wall, wooden frame, silicone, screw, Plastic wand, Rubbed paint latex color smoke white, Faucet cim valve, Washbasin white meadow clover, anchorage, Of faith., Enamel type, Of faith., Chrome type enamel, Elastic filler, paperboard, Asphaltic, angular, Fixing, sealed, mortar, Vertical rods, Of alternating fastening, mortar, Of alternating fastening, Vertical rods, band, Of neoprene, Wall, mirror, Ceramic, wooden frame, Rodon tipo rodoplast, silicone, screw, Plastic wand, Washbasin white meadow clover, Recessed mirror, Rubbed paint latex color smoke white, of the, Karson white bathroom organizer, Elastic filler, paperboard, Asphaltic, sealed, mortar, Vinyl corner cap, Poly similar, plastic, Shooter, Agglomerated wood with melamine foil, Vinyl corner cap, Visagra de crab see technical specifications, Melamine sheet, Automatic mini vaiven, Particle board, Of wood with, Quick chrome, Melamine sheet, Wood agglomerate with, Tripley, Melamine sheet, Wood agglomerate with, Melamine sheet, frame, Wood agglomerate with, Melamine sheet, Against him, Polished terrazzo, Dark gray,, Similar metinase, White color, Porcelain tile floor, Bruna, Ceramico celima, False floor, Underfloor, Det., Det., Painted, Champagne, Bruna, Celima cream, Ceramic veneer, Celima color beish, Concrete board, From melamine, High stool, White color, From melamine, High stool, White color, Double leaf vanity door, Det., Det., Painted, Champagne, From melamine, High stool, White color, Ceramic veneer, Celima color beish, Concrete board, Celima cream, High double sliding with wooden frame, Esc:, Det., Painted, Bruna, Ceramic cm, Ceramic cm, Rubbed paint latex color smoke white, see detail, Washbasin white meadow clover, Modern toilet white trebol, Shower faucet kohler type, Mirror detail, Ceramic floor tiles, Cusco arena, Modern toilet white trebol, Tall window with wooden frame, Washbasin white meadow clover, Faucet for shower kohler type arm in right angle, Karson white bathroom organizer, Plywood door, Ss.hh, Washbasin white meadow clover, Modern toilet white trebol, Liquid soap dispenser, Shower faucet kohler type, Ceramic floor tiles, Cusco arena, Rubbed paint latex color smoke white, Mirror detail, Washbasin white meadow clover, Modern toilet white trebol, Shower faucet kohler type, see detail, Tall window with wooden frame, Tall window with wooden frame, Washbasin white meadow clover, Shower faucet kohler type, first floor, Esc., Iron tube black enamel detail, Textured triana, Grooved aluminum, Grooved aluminum, Textured triana, Iron tube black enamel detail, Grooved aluminum, Transparent smooth glass block, Grooved aluminum, Textured triana, Iron tube black enamel detail, Grooved aluminum, Transparent smooth glass block, Grooved aluminum, Textured triana, Iron tube black enamel detail, Grooved aluminum, Transparent smooth glass block, Grooved aluminum, Textured triana, Iron tube black enamel detail, Grooved aluminum, Transparent smooth glass block, Textured triana, Iron tube black enamel detail, Concrete, Textured triana, Of iron tube black enamel, Rubbed paint washable white smoke, Of iron tube black enamel, of aluminum, Counterpart of, armed, Of textured triad ceramics, for, of aluminum, Rodapaso, for, Of textured triad ceramics, Reinforced concrete, of aluminum, Esc:, Det., Liquid soap dispenser, plant, detail, Esc., detail, Esc., cut, cut, detail, Esc., detail, Esc., Faculty of engineering systems architecture, course:, flat:, Architectural design workshop iv, Ruiz National University, Professional school of architecture, Stairway development, student:, chair:, Lucy janet janet, Lopez Galvez Jose, Castro diaz jherson, Faculty of engineering systems architecture, course:, flat:, Architectural design workshop iv, Ruiz National University, Professional school of architecture, Bathroom development, student:, chair:, Lucy janet janet, Lopez Galvez Jose, Castro diaz jherson, Faculty of engineering systems architecture, course:, flat:, Architectural design workshop iv, Ruiz National University, Professional school of architecture, Stairway development, student:, chair:, Lucy janet janet, Lopez Galvez Jose, Castro diaz jher

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Concrete, Glass, Plastic, Wood
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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