District Of San Juan Bautista DWG Block for AutoCAD




Urban Plat of San Juan Bautista

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

avenue arenales, tap, wife, galvan, lucio perez, property, propie. juan gomez g., human settlement, carmen alto, sector iii, human settlement, carmen alto, sector ii, human settlement, carmen alto, sector, BOLOGNESI, rio mall, jr. casma, av. of April, jr. step of the Incas, jr. chipana, jr. The Andes, passage, av. abrahan valdelomar, jr. I love you, av. new generation, jr. south, jr. amauta, av. abrahan valdelomar, av. victor meadow, av. victor fajardo, psje. bolognesi, jr. huascar, Street, Prod. bolognesi, jr. sings, jr. tahuantinsuyo, jr. lucas, av. carmen alto, jr. progress, jr. miraflores, jr. amauta, jr. of May, av. Peru, jr. jose carlos mariategui, jr. huancayo, Street, psje. the steps, jr. miraflores, pje lucmccoy, pje pokra, pje lucas, pje huaraz, psje. ayapata, jr. sacsayhuaman, jr. lucas, jr. tahuantinsuyo, av. Peru, av. carmen alto, av. pokra, av. of April, av. The liberators, jr. Saccsayhuaman, jr. casma, jr. fist, jr. step of the Incas, jr. ramon castilla, jr. is born, jr. miraflores, jr. huaraz, jr. the laurels, jr. huancavelica, jr. manco capac, prolg. jr. huascar, jr. pots, jr. Saint Rose, jr. acuchimay, av. marshal andres a. caceres, jr. victor fajardo, jr. good view, av. The liberators, jr. The Andes, jr. progress, pje the carnations, Street, jr. crosses, jr. miraflores, jr. pokra, jr. mariategui, jr. London, jr. is born, jr. Saccsayhuaman, jr. pots, pje the carnations, prol. jr. Saint Rose, av. pokra, av. mariscal castilla, huayco, jr. progress, jr. atahualpa, jr. iquitos, jr. future, jr. huascar, jr. manco capac, jr. huancavelica, av. marshal caceres, jr. ayapata, jr. lucas, jr. cangallo, jr. tahuantinsuyo, jr. Miguel Grade, jr. progress, jr. miraflores, av. mariscal castilla, jr. Flag Inappropriate Content, prolong. av. marshal caceres, prolong. jr. future, jr. Miguel Grade, jr. cangallo, jr. future, jr. huascar, psje. ayapata, jr. lucas, jr. cangallo, jr. Lluchallucha, jr. June, cemetery, title, av. abancay, st. Helen, av. from December, av. sandy, for rent santa elena, av. sandy, av. from December, jr. the sea, av. from December, jr. tacna, jr. the sea, jr. huamanga, jr. arequipa, jr. moquegua, jr. huamanga, jr. lucas, jr. tacna, jr. parachutists, jr. moquegua, jr. lucas, jr. arequipa, psje. Peru, av. from December, jr. agustin zea, jr. ancash, jr. huamanga, jr. arica, jr. agustin zea, jr. arica, jr. ancash, jr. lucas, jr. the sea, jr. arica, jr. lucas, jr. parachutists, jr. agustin zea, jr. the sea, jr. parachutists, psje. Peru, psje. of June, passage, jr. ancash, av. sandy, passage, passage, area for, others, Finnish, Street, area for, education, Street, Street, Street, publish park, for recreation, contribution area, Street, jr. wari, area for, other purposes, jr. Cesar Vallejo, jr. Union, av. faith and joy, trilce passage, jr. Cesar Vallejo, jr. Ruben Dario, ñahuinpuquio, av. the Palm trees, jr. san antonio, area for public recreation, uc:, public use, reserved area, reserved area, public use, jiron the eucalyptus, community House, informal property registration body, property rights real estate, project to consolidate the, pcdpi, sub component cadastral, Attention, title, augusto romero, david rom

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
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Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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    September 18, 2017

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