Fiber Optic Hardware Details 2D DWG Detail for AutoCAD





Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

Proy., Apr., Rev., service order, date, Apr., Firm, Rev., Dib., firms, Notes, Apr, Dib, Fir, Revisions, date, references, Documents, hour, Broadcast date, issue, To the plane, Replaced, Per plan, projection, key, scale, Replaces, Format, firm, Codelco chile division the lieutenant, Proyect Management, Dib., Rev., Firm, Apr., firms, Proy., date, firm, Plan, Rev., V. Vera g., Caletones, Plant converters, Compressors, general layout, V. Vera g., Mts. variable, title, scale, App., minimum, scale, Det., scale, note, App, Typical f.o., Start point scale, optical fiber, post, tight, Mts, Consider for each of a brace., Mts. variable, Detail arrangement between poles, Dead conic, Bar with eye, Post h.a., Ground level, App., minimum, Typical section crossing roads, Post h.a., Ground level, cut, cut, cut, cut, Stuffing bolones, Detail excavation post prestressed, Detail excavation post, Post h.a. prestressed, Ground level, Post h.a., detail, See notes, Dead conic, Pvc tube, Ground level, Bar with eye, compacted fill, Grade concrete, Steel cable, According to existing arrow, Guardsman, Straight shackle, Interior protection, Preformed retention, Mooring set, detail, fetter, Eye bolt, Armed for cable adss, Elastic suspension set, detail, Straps, of steel, Mufa, Muffler installation, Cable post reservation, Only cable reservation is projected, End for cable adss, unscaled, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, moorings, Plastics, see, detail, Straps, of steel, Mooring wire is similar when, note, Only cable reservation is projected, Plastic ties, with protection, Uv radiation, Dead conic, Bar with eye, App, Post h.a., Ground level, Stuffing bolones, Detail excavation post, With material from, Of excavation, Dead conic, Bar with eye, Post h.a., Ground level, Stuffing bolones, Detail excavation post, With material from, Of excavation, cut, Esc., cut, Esc., cut, Esc., Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Each meters are available braces, Typical f.o., Scale change of address, Cabling f.o., scale, F.o. existing, F.o. Proy. plant, post, tight, F.o. Proy. New level mine, optical fiber, post, tight, post, optical fiber, F.o. existing, F.o. Proy. The, post, Existing optical fiber, tight, post, optical fiber, tight, optical fiber, post, optical fiber, post, tight, post, tight, cut, Esc., Stuffing bolones, With material from, Of excavation, Tensioner posts, Sector colon, Sector doñihue, Tunnel doñihue, living room, Service road, byroad, South route, Nameless, Silver maple, Nameless, Santa julia avenue, Cachapoal avenue, Nameless, The meli, Santa julia avenue, Crazy river, Nameless, Abraham latife, Nameless, Mount aymond, Cachapoal avenue, Diego de almagro, Passage luma, Peru, Cachapoal avenue, Officer manuel jose de astorga, General jose de san martin, Avenue capitan antonio millan, Rome cord passage, Abdon anich, Mount aymond, Avenue vina del mar, Santa julia, Cachapoal avenue, Pass the maquis, Passage capitan antonio millan, Pass the maquis, Pass elms, Pass the maquis, Union worker, Palominos, Astorga, Peru, Astorga, Avenue capitan antonio millan, Mexico, Juan Molina, Palominos, Cachapoal avenue, General jose de san martin, Avenue capitan antonio millan, Cachapoal avenue, American union, Avenue capitan antonio millan, Jose victorino lastarria, Avenue station, Avenue capitan antonio millan, Vicente calvo, Passage the lieutenant, Avenue capitan antonio millan, Colonel santiago bueras, Palominos, Jose manuel campos, Mexico, Union worker, Hoffman passage, Galvarino, General jose de san martin, Ercilla, Santa julia, victory, Humberto Nunez, Ercilla, Cachapoal avenue, Passage two south, Passage two north, Republic of syria, Passage one north, Abraham latife, Republic of syria, Passage three north, Republic of syria, South four passage, Passage four north, Republic of syria, Abdon anich, Republic of syria, Passage six north, Republic of syria, Passage five north, Passage south south, South five passage, Juan Molina, Colonel santiago bueras, Astorga, Cachapoal avenue, Colonel santiago bueras, Lidice, Colonel santiago bueras, Irarrazaval, Eighteen of october, Lidice, General jose de san martin, Colonel santiago bueras, Chanarcillo, Avenue las torres, Irarrazaval, first of May, Avenue las torres, First

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Plastic, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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