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Flor Blanca Stadium Area (Magic Gonzales) DWG Block for AutoCAD

Area Flor Blanca stadium, Miramonte and Miralvalle

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

av.norte, north av, av. north, av. north, south avenue, av. north, west street, north avenue, av. south, alameda juan pablo ii west, Street, gym street, access road, Progress, National Stadium, national gym, passage gedance, track, Street, street progress, passage, pass the rose, rose passage, pje bombs, progress, track, tohil, National University, normal school spain, University City, av., Berlin street, maquilishuat street, i.s.s.s., the magnolias, pje.los almonds, Street, arenal tutunichapa, san martin avenue, west, pje san pedro, cl. San Salvador, Street, saint, Luis, potomac, pje.godoy, av. juarez, green area, hospital, bejamin bloom, Sponsored links, Guadalupe College, Sponsored links, policlinica salvadorena, hospital, z.u., government of el salvador, metrocondominio, to hospital, Andes, north av, av., av. flowers, avenue, avenue tecana, avenue, avenue los andes, avenue los sisimiles, bernal, boulevard constitution, university boulevard, Street, street green hill, street central america, street toluca, calle atitlan, street las palmas, neptuno street, Street, main Street, donal, final, Joseph, the divine, the, maracaibo, do not., passage bamboo, passage, palm tree passage, Swiss Pass, walk the margaritas, pje, pje recinos, pje Andromeda, pje chaparrastique, pje, providence, quetzal, savior, saint, walk the pine groves, path malibu, Sierra Nevada, cl. recorder mistal, green area, building i.v.u., passage the saints, building i.v.u., passage the saints, passage, family center, of adoration, Mall, Don Juan, passage not., green recreational area, san antonio abad street, pje, path no., el carmen street, track, stage, north avenue, private access, walks, auto center, av., av. Brown, av. the bamboos, avenue tanks, breezes of the step., c.e., Street, street the volcano, street the geanadillas, street hand lion, motocross street, street motocros street sub station of miralvalle, subway street, el carmen street, cedar street, street el oak, street the volcano, street ppal. juan pablo ii, san ernesto street, cabbage. the carmen, from miralvalle, granadillas, little girl, the pantry of d. Juan, the, Lion, the, hand of, rule, November, dark, parking, parking medicare, passage, passage aquino, passage araguoi, garden passage, private ticket, Uncle Conra’s passage, zanzibar passage, Pine trees, pool, pje aleman, pje the granadilla, pje sta isabel, pje, pje ordonez, pje rivas, pje from, pje Bern, pje canenguez, pje the looker, pje Hawthorn, pje fatima, pje gavidia, pje the farm, pje breezes, pje lourdes, pje Saint Joseph, pje sn. bartolo, pje sta. emilia, pje Tazumal, pje zurich, pje.mendez, pecan, wasteland, residential summit, residential lomas de san pedro, residential montemira, residential san antonio, residential italian villas, restaurant, s.a. of c.v., s.e.p.p., social room, track, step path, track, path s. Andrew, sentron, sub station, tank, tank walk, Tazumal, villa alberto, z.v., street the granny, path no., pje Bernard, cton street the carmen, beef. Saint Bernard, beef. mists of the step, residential step, residential north stairway, villas of the step, pje saint Louis, pje bari, pje Milan, path mercedes, path gloribel, path lidia elizabeth, path aida, path sara, pa

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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