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Foundations DWG Detail for AutoCAD

Basic details of different foundations; as can be: foundation stone breaststroke and intermediate boundary; reinforced concrete foundation and intermediate boundary. There is also the example of reinforced column and tie the shoe. Everything has ground; elevation and isometric.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

student:, center for scientific and technological studies, esc., acot., ipn, prof., arq. alfredo lópez rivera ing. enrique mares martínez, hills of oca guzman emiliano, group:, do not. sheet, qualification, concrete foundation, axis, welded running cord, ants of mts, plate, plant, raised, axis, m, welding, plate, ants of mts, axis, crown, escarpment, ground, mortar, breaststroke, poor concrete template, n.p.t., crown, escarpment, ground, mortar, breaststroke, poor concrete template, escarpment, template, crown, axis, axis, ed cm de, in both ways, poor concrete f’c template, steel, contratrabe, base, n.p.t., bracing stone foundation, concrete foundation, base, raised, plant, isometric, plant, isometric, plant, isometric, contratrabe, raised, plant, isometric, axis, raised, axis, raised, middle shoe in lindero, square column, intermediate center shoe, axis, dadod cobncreto, league contratrabe, template, axis, isometric, plant, raised, isometric, plant, raised, n.p.t., led, anchorage, axis, isometric, metal column, plant, raised, m, welding, plate, ants of mts, axis, welded running cord, ants of mts, plate, detail, axis, axis, hills of oca guzman emiliano, raised., poor concrete template., plant., axis, circular reinforced concrete column, rectangular reinforced concrete column, raised., plant.

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Detail
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features
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