Geodesic DWG Block for AutoCAD
Trace of geodesic of icosaedro in frecuency 3
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
Icosahedron face, Heights of the equilateral triangle, Center of the triangle, Perpendicular heights, Frequency of the geodesic dome, Characteristics: The frequency is equal to the number of divitions performed on one side of the triangle heights are used for the plotting of the frequency but can also be directly directly divided into either side., Frequency trace, Icosahedron geodesic frequency three, Development: from the center of the projected segments oe os on the spherical triangle obtaining the points e ‘s’ that determine the knots of the gemento oe ‘os’ have the same radius of the sphere that contains the icosahedron to graph the geodesic Only the s’ points are joined., Development of geodesics, Icosahedron center, Ecuador, Icosahedron, pole, Base triangle, Spherical triangle, Projection oe on the spherical triangle, angle, Bar e’s, Knot is, Radio or, Radio oe ‘, bars, Knots, Faces, pole, pole, Icosahedron center, Icosahedron geodesic frequency three, Development: to realize the truncation of the diameter is sought the nearest knot this the fraction is equivalent of the diameter in the specific case of this geodesic the correct value comes to be, Truncation of geodesic, Icosahedron geodesic frequency three, To realize the calculation of the radius of the circumference that circumscribes the geodesic with reference a circle of radius of his the relation for this specific case is:, Relation of the geodesic with its base, Base circle, Ecuador, pole, Icosahedron geodesic frequency three, bar, Agulo, coefficient, Ae, Ee, is’, Development: at this point we only have to manually measure the angles that form each of the bars to perform the calculation also measure the length of the bars to check the mathematical calculation., Calculation of the constant, Icosahedron geodesic frequency three, angle, Bar ae ‘, Segment or equal to radius, knot, Of the formula: ae ‘where: length of the bar. Radius of the sphere containing the geodesic. Angle formed by aoe ‘. The coefficient is given as: replacing: resulting: ae ‘kr ae’ ae ‘the coefficient is used for the calculation of the length of the bar ae’ inscribed in a circle of any the same prosedimiento will be followed in the other geodesics., Finished model, Icosahedron geodesic frequency three, elevation, top view
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Drawing with Autocad |
Additional Screenshots |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot |
Tags | autocad, block, DWG, geodesic, trace |