Go To Lift Topografico Ovalo Desnivel DWG Full Project for AutoCAD

CUSCO – TACNA – The main objective is to provide adequate road capacity for vehicular circulation in the Oval Cuzco city of Tacna. – The project involves the construction of an overpass that connected the Av Jorge Basadre bypassing the Oval Cuzco .

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

fongal, brick, caplina, university, agricultural sciences, canal, towards south cone, svt., elevation, lp., road sections of streets, oval cusco, district, province, department of tacna, prof.resp., location :, owner :, esc :, plane :, date :, cad :, lamina, project:, consultant :, construction of a pass at the unevenness in the oval cusco in the district of tacna, tacna -tacna, profile – sections, indicated, wall, house , lpr, topographical survey, vertical signal, mailbox drain, high post, telephone pole, light pole, legend, pathway good est., sidewalk est est., berm cº, ramp, secondary curve, primary curve, checkpoint, tap of water, number of mzna., edge track, cross sections: main axis, profiles and cross sections, pro cuzco, av. south circumvallation, av. tarapaca, urb. s a n c a r l s s, column, arco aport., av. municipal, channel, tap, university, garbage, u.gbg., path, mat, planimetry, u. n.g.b.g., longitudinal profile: main axis, track, rail crossing, av. collpa, jardin, z.s, ffcc, pedestrian mall, av. cuzco, topography plant

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Full Project
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File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
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