Government House – Santiago De Huata DWG Block for AutoCAD




Government house – Santiago de Huata

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

municipal, …… a z ….., axis of material via rigid pavement, …….. c o ……., axis of material via via stone, surface, …neighbour…, width of way, municipal, …… a z ….., axis of material via rigid pavement, …….. c o ……., axis of material via via stone, surface, …neighbour…, width of way, …… a z ….., …….. c o ……., cover projection, …… a z ….., …….. c o ……., width of way, galvanized calamine, galvanized calamine cover, cut, neighbour, intervention area, avenue la paz, level, survey line, upper level of the ground, ground cutting line, cut, street heroes del chaco, neighbour, intervention area, measurement points, level, survey line, upper level of the ground, ground cutting line, measurement points, avenue la paz, neighbour, level, cut, survey line, upper level of the ground, ground cutting line, measurement points, neighbour, cut, survey line, upper level of the ground, ground cutting line, measurement points, galvanized calamine, municipal, …… a z ….., axis of material via rigid pavement, …….. c o ……., …neighbour…, width of way, architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, batch plane, esc, definitive, architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, batch plane, esc, affected surfaces, architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, survey plane, esc, covers, architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, survey plane, esc, infrastructure, architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, plant grid, esc, module mts., architect, h. municipal mayor, municipal government of achacachi, type: equipment, The m:, His p. const .:, His p. lot:, City: Achacachi, locality: santiago de huata, project: const. Goverment house, scale:, from:, plant foundation, esc, …neighbour…, low level, esc, …neighbour…, width of way, municipal, axis of via material in via: rigid pavement, width of way, axis of material via via: land, municipal, level, hall, senior officer of human development, level, goes up, info

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Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
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File Type dwg
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