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Green Hostel DWG Block for AutoCAD

Green Hostel located in the lagoon Lagartococha Tarapoto peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

ambulância, fish, beef, pig, sheep, chicken, drinks, vegetables, fruits, kitchen, refrigerator, pantry, diners area, bar, dining room, service corridor, control, dressing women, dressing men, clean clothes delivery , road of avoidance, road surveillance canal irrigation, storage of bicycles, refrigerator, sh males, s.h. ladies, parking, accounting, administration, distribution administration, court -a -a, b-b court, rear elevation, main elevation, shelter for seniors, scale, key, chair :, student :, orientation :, location: , project:, location :, ignacio mendoza pinchi, arq. ciro sierralta tineo, general plant, rquitectura, scuela, rbanismo, unsm-t, shelter for people of the third age, band of shilcayo – san martin, percy garcia panduro, martin rios angle, maria melendez towers, arq. stalin jimenez troya, multipurpose room, uses, room, multiples, elevation sum, court a – a, games, creative hands, ss.hh., topical, dances, gym livi, massages, laundry, national university of san martin, faculty of civil engineering school of architecture and urbanism, design workshop v, course :, teachers :, shelter senior, volumetric model :, date :, scale :, design :, arq. stalin jimenez troya, maria meléndez towers, key: mqt, theme :, plane :, plant central square, restaurant and kitchen, bathrooms, circular bench with planter, water basin, planter, entry route, palm tree tarapotus, shrub planter small, square of blocks of workshops, semicircular bench with planter, double bedroom, room, kitchenette, terrace, dormitory, left lateral elevation, students:

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units Metric
Footprint Area
Building Features Garden / Park, Parking
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