Grounding Outlet Details DWG Detail for AutoCAD
Specifications ground connectionof electric installation
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
School construction committee, Layer of gravel, Earth rod, Mmd, long, Of cal cal., of Earth, long, Mmd, Earth rod, Of cal cal., of Earth, Salt in grain, Carbon gravel, Salt in grain, Carbon gravel, of Earth, Of cal cal., For earth, Alternate layers of, Salt in carbon, Vegetable gravel, Cm thick, Electrode recording, Of land for land, Soft conductivity, normal, Of land for land, Soft high, resistivity, Electrode recording, resistivity, High hard, Electrode recording, Of land for land, rush, Int., art., of Earth, art. to the, art., board, Ground of, rush, phase, neutral, Earth, tube, art., Conduit, registry, phase, neutral, Earth, Conduit, tube, registry, Landing of pipelines, board, neutral, of Earth, art. to the, Ground wire, For connection of, Cabinets, equipment., art., Earth connection on board, physical, Polarized duplex, physical, Polarized half turn, Three-phase, physical, Connection of contacts, Caliber of the driver but, Big of the rush, Driver’s caliber, Earth electrode, Minor awg, Mcm, Greater mcm, Awg, Of the general feeder, from service, Driver’s gauge, Of the ground electrode, Driver’s gauge, Grounding equipment, Awg, Copper grounding, Driver’s caliber, chap. Nominal setting of the, Protective device s.c., Located before the computer, structure:, nomenclature:, drawing:, date:, Dimension:, S.v.m., Specifications for installation ground, Name of the plane, scale:, Last modified
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Detail |
Category | Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Car Parking Lot |
Tags | autocad, DETAIL, details, DWG, einrichtungen, electric, facilities, gas, gesundheit, ground, grounding, installation, l'approvisionnement en eau, la sant, le gaz, machine room, maquinas, maschinenrauminstallations, outlet, provision, specifications, wasser bestimmung, water |