Homes For The Jewel DWG Block for AutoCAD

Planes with homes that arise today in La Joya for the district 48 km from La Gloria where we can see the various different types of wings own city of Arequipa

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

communal, other purposes, Commerce, education, services, Finnish, others, Park, square, communal, services, communal, services, Park, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, passage azángaro, moquegua, cusco, arequipa, frizzle, jail aviation, jail abelardo quiñones, jiron jorge chavez, jiron san camilo, shred the jewel, Pan-American highway, jiron the jewel, Street, jiron jorge chavez, square, services, communal, education, other purposes, communal, services, sports area, education, area, reserved, ground eriazos, of the state, services, of health, area, reserved, area, reserved, area, reserved, area, reserved, area, reserved, Street, Panamerican’s highway, property land, third-party, ground eriazos, of the state, education, education, Park, Health, sporty, area, property land, third-party, avenue, Street, reserved, area, communal, services, reserved, area, reserved, area, reserved, area, reserved, area, Street, passage, property land, third-party, property land, third-party, property land, third-party, Park, other purposes ii, social place, Street, f.c.m.p.iii, Street, f.c.m.p, other purposes, education, Street, f.c.m.p ii, public recreation, passage, Street, street nº, Street, education ii, forestation, av., Street, square, street nº, Street, street nº, asphaltic road av., Street, public recreation, Street, irrigation pipe, area, perimeter, ml., center of services, s.e.e., asphalted, area, perimeter, ml., park s.e.r.p.a.r, area, perimeter, ml., Mall, specialized, area, perimeter, ml., social civic park, area, perimeter, ml., education, area, perimeter, ml., chapel, area, perimeter, ml., communal place, area, perimeter, ml., Park, area, perimeter, ml., mini sports complex, park ii, other purposes, f.c.m.p., parish, police station

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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CAD Drawings

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