Huancarqui Plane – Castilla – Peru DWG Block for AutoCAD




Huancarqui Plane – Castilla – Peru

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

leoncio meadow, April street, calle loreto, Related searches, pizarro street, alfonso ugarte passage, passage lopez nates, alfonso ugarte street, san martín street, street ramón castilla, san martin ticket, street nicolas of pearl, calle loreto, passage jose olaya, josé olaya street, street arequipa, Related searches, April street, july street, April street, calle lópez nates, June street, calle lópez nates, August street, street juan pablo vizcardo guzman, holy rose ticket, passage melgar, passage abelardo quiñonez, street abelardo quiñonez, victor andrés belunde street, street oscar gutierrez, ground eriazos, of the state, archaeological area, Park, others, Commerce, Finnish, square, services, communal, education, education, sports area, Castile, arequipa, Huancarqui, scale, province, district, Department, populated center, flat, layout, Huancarqui, location map, Huancarqui, populated center, moquegua, condesuyos, the Union, caraveli, walk, islay, from arequipa, Department, Castile, arequipa, caylloma, ica, fist, cusco, apurimac, I love you, Pacific Ocean, scale, location plan, scale, cosmetics, caspani, district, Huancarqui, rio majes, populated center, of application, stadium, applause, populated center, Huancarqui, via, province of, Castile, province of, Huancarqui, uraca, applause, chuquibamba, cocachacra, nail, camana, condesuyos, caylloma, arequipa, Pacific Ocean, Huancarqui, populated center, location map, scale, Huancarqui, populated center, passage, other purposes, other purposes, other purposes, passage, education, Park, passage, pass the flowers, Park, other purposes, Street, area, services, communal, education, services, of health, area, green, services of, water drain, others, Finnish, Park, services, communal, Park, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, ground eriazos, of the state, farmland, passage of may, other purposes, passage, sporty, Park, section, scale:, sidewalk, section, scale:, track, sidewalk, section, scale:, track, sidewalk, sidewalk, green area, sidewalk, track, section, scale:, sidewalk, track, sidewalk, section, scale:, track, sidewalk, garden, parking lot, sidewalk, scale:, section, scale:, sidewalk, track, section, sidewalk, sidewalk, track, sidewalk, of common area, batch box, area, lot, Apple, leoncio meadow, area, common area apple lot, common area, detail, scale:, August street, esc:, area, common area apple lot, common area, detail, calle lópez nates, dominant lot, batch servant, esc:, area, detail, servitude, dominant lot, batch servant, esc:, area, detail, servitude, farmland, calle loreto, area, common area apple lot, esc:, common area, detail, passage, section, scale:, passage, district, street arequipa, owned by third parties, land, of cultivation, property, third-party, property, third-party

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Other
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 30, 2017

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