Industrial Shed With Delta Type Prefabricated Prestressed Beams DWG Detail for AutoCAD
Delta type beams with detail of straps and other prefabricated elements of support
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
prestressed, scale, delta structure, scale, delta beam section, dalla strap, embedded cap, platen, screw, section type dalla al, scale, beam, scale, jacena, scale, jacena, scale, jacena, scale, jacena, scale, continuous neoprene support, alveolar plate, alveolar plate, scale, union of jacena, compression layer, outgoing stirrups, continuous mesh, Negative armor forged, jena jacena, alveolar plate, beam, scale, scale, beam section, delta jacena, of belts type dalla on deltas beam, scale, support detail in plant, strap type dalla al, details, ship, cover structure, neoprene gasket, Detail lateral knot delta beam, scale, height of prestressed delta beam type, scale, height of prestressed delta beam type, scale, strap dalla al, for mounting support, details, ship, cover structure, height of prestressed delta beam type, scale, height of prestressed delta beam type, scale, beam, scale, on the axis the delta type has a, neoprene gasket, beam type, concrete pillar, prefabricated, concrete pillar, prefabricated, scale, detail of beam type, with metal wedge, strap dalla al, details, ship, cover structure
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Detail |
Category | Construction Details & Systems |
Additional Screenshots |
Missing Attachment Missing Attachment Missing Attachment |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Concrete, Other |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | autocad, barn, beams, cover, dach, delta, DETAIL, DWG, elements, hangar, industrial, lagerschuppen, prefabricated, prestressed, roof, shed, straps, structure, support, terrasse, toit, type, warehouse |