Kitchen Detail In Department DWG Section for AutoCAD




Detail kitchen of department – Plants – Sections – Views

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

the M, Thermopanel see detail, Utility, dining room, Tda, start, boiler, Ceramic floor according to e.t., departure, Fotolam cover plate., Emergency sump, Slate stand, Pvc joint cover, Without joint, Ceramic stand, multipurpose, Pvc bathroom serv., Calefont, Kitchen floor, scale, Cytophone, start, Tel, phone, Start valance, Kitchen countertop, Bell, Dishwasher under cover, Teak buckets inox, Proy. plinth, Tray, elevation, scale, multipurpose, Covered granite gray mara, Stainless steel shrink wand, Glass backing on wall painting, elevation, scale, pantry, Shelves, oven, Moconda, washing machine, dryer, box, Apply, laundry, drawer, Ench., Glass backing on wall painting, Start valance, Start valance, Cap head wall simulate door, Zocalo projection, Lateral simulates pta., elevation, scale, Built-in focus pl, Interior exterior shape aluminum color, Painting background, Proy. plinth, washing machine, dryer, elevation, scale, Built-in focus pl, Ceramic background sg. Et, Painting background, boiler, Projection tile, boiler, Calefont, Ceramic sg. Et, Side simulates door, Lucarna, Side simulates door, Glass backing on wall painting, elevation, scale, Built-in focus pl, pantry, Glass backing on wall painting, Dishwasher, Back cover covered granite gray mara, space, Dishwasher under cover, Teak buckets inox, side, Ceramic background sg. Et, Forge machon, Lateral furniture, Interup., Interior exterior shape aluminum color, Shooter run alum, Start valance, elevation, scale, Built-in focus pl, Cm.aprox., Box melamine tube liner, Utility, Bell, Aluminum foot recondo, Shooter run alum, Round aluminum foot, Ceramic background sg. Et, stop, Granite grooved as a dryer, dishwasher, Water start, drain, Gas tap, Bell, Spark, multipurpose, Gas tap, cold water, drain, Drawer pots, kitchen, Drawer pots, Shooter run alum, Zocalo melamine aluminum, Ceramic background sg. Et, Dishwasher space, Ench, Spark plug, Multipurpose, Zocalo melamine aluminum, Oven plug, Microwave plug, Sg. Et., Ice maker water intake, doorbell, Refiner, Utility, Zocalo melamine aluminum, Ice maker, Water intake, Ench refrigerated, Ticker, Covered granite gray mara, of water, of water, of water, stonework, Ceramic background sg. Et, stonework, Ceramic background sg. Et, stonework, Pvc corner edge, Zocalo melamine aluminum, Glass backrest is replaced by idem as specified for the rest of the kitchen, Modifies the height of these furniture doors which should arrive cms. under the sky, Melamine aluminum replaced by white melamine, Glass backrest is replaced by idem as specified for the rest of the kitchen, Melamine aluminum replaced by white melamine, Modifies the height of these furniture doors which should arrive cms. under the sky, Melamine aluminum replaced by white melamine, All focus inlays removed from the kitchen will only leave the corresponding electrical starts, Melamine aluminum replaced by white melamine, Paint replaced by idem specified, Melamine aluminum replaced by white melamine, Glass backrest is replaced by idem as specified for the rest of the kitchen

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Section
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Aluminum, Glass, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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