Knx Scheme DWG Block for AutoCAD
Practical and theoretical schemes mount for a motor KNX blinds.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
power supply with filter, date, name, drawn, checked, id.s.normas, scale, replaces :, replaced by :, ies zurbarán formative cycle top grade electrotechnical and automated installations navalmoral de la mata cáceres, alvaro pr, outline practical assembly knx, bus, overload, normal, overvoltage, power supply, reset, coil, led, connector, physical addresses, area, line, dam, blinds actuator, bus coupler, pushbutton, alvaro pr, knx, usb, push button pers room, pers. saloon, centralized pushbutton, binary input, blinds actuator, strength, anemometer, knx theoretical scheme
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | autocad, block, DWG, einrichtungen, facilities, gas, gesundheit, l'approvisionnement en eau, la sant, le gaz, machine room, maquinas, maschinenrauminstallations, motor, mount, practical, provision, SCHEME, schemes, wasser bestimmung, water |