Lotificacion Plane Ixhuacan DWG Block for AutoCAD




Lotificacion plane; with defined blocks and their respective codes and the name of the streets; and the numbering of lots per block.

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

street nicolas bravo, River, galean street, street francisco javier mine, River, street maria luisa flores, benito juarez street, nameless street, nameless street, Vegetal, nameless street, Vegetal, benito juarez street, Street, street maria luisa flores, street nicolas bravo, street maria luisa flores, Street, crops, Riverside, street maria luisa flores, street nicolas bravo, River, River, aldama street, street ignacio zaragoza, crops, River, May street, aldama street, River, May street, crops, Vegetal, street jeans, crops, street allende, alley tepeyac, Francisco Javier, plots, River, alley without a name, street morelos, potato sowing, Street, morelos, crops, aldama, crops, nameless street, street morelos, River, aldama street, River, rivera, street morelos, street ignacio zaragoza, warrior street, aldama street, River, vegetation, beyond, matamoros, galeana, Vicente Guerrero, matamoros, street ignacio zaragoza, street morelos, River, matamoros, River, matamoros, javier mine, Maria Luisa Flores, galeana hermenegildo, moctezuma, emilio carranza, street emilio carranza, benito juarez street, galeana hermenegildo, Street, street matamoros, benito juarez street, street emilio carranza, crops, Street, moctezuma street, Street, crops, benito juarez street, road the sand, Street, alley, municipality: ixhuacan de los reyes, locality: ixhuacan de los reyes

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Car Parking Lot
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Release Information

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  • Released

    September 10, 2017

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