Lotizacion Independence DWG Block for AutoCAD
Plane lotizacion Independencia district – Lima and adjacent districts with names; and number of lote.Este plane also contains recreational uses and urban equipment own district.
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):
AC. alfonso ugarte, av huamachuco, av. March 2, av. antisuyo, av. alfonso, av. alfonso ugarte, av. antisuyo, av. central, av. chinchaysuyo, av. condorcanqui, av. contisuyo, av. eighteenth of January, av. the miracle, av. work, av. herrera, av. huanacaure, av. hurin cuzco, av. indoamerica, av. jerusalem, av. the americas, av. the gladiolas, av. the violets, av. loyalty, av. the amautas, av. the cypresses, av. the conquerors, av. the ficus, av. the jasmine, av. the children martyrs, av. the pines, av. san albino, av. santa rosa, av. six, av. Simon Bolivar, Av. tupac amaru, av. one kamayoc, av. Sacred Valley, ca. arhua, ca. Amaru Inca, ca. amauta, ca. amuray, ca. atahualpa, ca. cahuide, ca. capac yupanqui, ca. chancay, ca. chavin, ca. chimu, ca. collasuyo, ca. brothers ayar, ca. huascar, ca. huayna capac, ca. Inca Rock, ca. Inca Rock, ca. Inca urco, ca. Inca Yupanqui, ca. inti raymi, ca. Korokenke, ca. lloque yupanqui, ca. Chancas, ca. the tambos, ca. manco capac, ca. mayta capac, ca. muquiyauyos, ca. Ollantaytambo, ca. Pacaritambo, ca. pacasmayo, ca. pachacamac, ca. pachacutec, ca. paracas, ca. paramonga, ca. paucartambo, ca. Quipaypampa, ca. Quipucamayoc, ca. Sihuas, ca. sinchi rock, ca. Tiahuanaco, ca. Tupac Inca, ca. Vilcanota, ca. wiracocha, ca. yahuar huaca, ca. of peace, ca. oleander, ca. Amazons, ca. andamarca, ca. anta, ca. Avelino Caceres, ca. Inca baths, ca. Inca baths, ca. cajabamba, ca. calca, ca. canchis, ca. cantuta, ca. capac yupanqui, ca. hill, ca. Chrillos, ca. five, ca. Colkepata, ca. April 4, ca. Daniela. carrion, ca. daniel alcides carrion, ca. twelve, ca. May 2, ca. the progress, ca. Florilandia, ca. Francisco Bolognesi, ca. Garcilazo de la Vega, ca. Hanan Cuzco, ca. horacio zevallos, ca. Huamachuco, ca. huamantanga, ca. huanacaure, ca. Huaraz, ca. Huarocondo, ca., ca. Huatanay, ca. Huaytapampa, ca. Hurin Cuzco, ca. Inca Rock, ca. Inca urco, ca. Inca Yupanqui, ca. Jose Carlos Mariategui, ca. jose olaya, ca. jose santos chocano, ca. jose vargas, ca. Juan Velasco Alvarado, ca. junin, ca. Hope, ca. the mercy, ca. the cinchona, ca. lares, ca. the acacias, ca. the poppies, ca. the americas, ca. Hazelnuts, ca. the lilies, ca. the begonias, ca. the capulies, ca. Chestnuts, ca. the casuarinas, ca. the cherries, ca. the cherimoyas, ca. the dahlias, ca. strawberries, ca. the gardenias, ca. the grenades, ca. the cherries, ca. the hortencias, ca. the lucumas, ca. The magnolias, ca. the berries, ca. the orchids, ca. Pears, ca. the roses, ca. the watermelons, ca. the violets, ca. Lima, ca. the alhelies, ca. Los Angeles, CA. the arrayanez, ca. the coffee trees, ca. the carnations, ca. the eucalyptus, ca. the geraniums, ca. the sunflowers, ca. the guayabos, ca. the heroes, ca. the figs, ca. the hyacinths, ca. the jasmine, ca. the laurels, ca. the lilies, ca. the apple trees, ca. the melons, ca. the quinces, ca. the mirios, ca. the tuberose, ca. the nisperos, ca. Walnuts, ca. the nuts, ca. the olive trees, ca. the pacaes, ca. the avocados, ca. the thoughts, ca. the pensaminetos, ca. the cucumbers, ca. the bananas, ca. the oaks, ca. the roses, ca. the willows, ca. The tulips, ca. luis pardo, ca. Mother Jungle, ca. mascaypacha, ca. Morro de Arica, ca. nasca, ca. Ollantaytambo, ca. ollnataytambo, ca. pallcamarca, ca. pallamarca, ca. pampacancha, ca. spring, ca. quikijana, ca. quikisana, ca. Quipapaira, ca. Quipaypampa, ca. revolution, ca. Rio Sapi, ca. turibamba, ca. San Miguel, ca. San Andres, ca. San Jose, CA. San Juan Bautista, ca. San Juan Bautista, ca. Saint John of God, ca. San Lorenzo, ca. San Martin, ca. San Pedro, ca. Santa Rosa, ca. Sicuani, ca. Sinchis, ca. t. amaru, ca. tamputoco, ca. ink, ca. tungasuca, ca. tupac amaru, ca. Twenty-three, ca. June twenty-first, ca. vilcas huaman, ca. Virgin of the pillar, ca. yanaoca, ca. yauri, ca. alf.ugarte, ca.huaraz, ca.jorge chavez, ca. messengers, ca. fishermen, ca.real felipe, ca.rosales, ca. sucre, ca.sucre, ca. a, calle alca, ca. Antonio de Zela, Calle Antonio de Zela, ca. hatuncoya, ca. frame, street frame, ca. mariano melgar, centenary, jiron portada, jr .anduy marca, jr. garcilazo de la vega, jr. aravicus, jr. coricancha, jr. huascaran, jr. the amancaes, jr. sacsaihuaman, September, jr. alca, jr. antonio de zela, jr. carlos mariategui, jr. cesar vallejo, jr. cross of andamarca, jr. democracy, jr. education, jr. the progress, jr. the town, jr. francisco bolognesi, jr. guillermo suarez, jr. brothers angle, jr. brothers toledo, jr. hipolito unanue, jr. independence, jr. jorge chavez, jr. jose de la torre ugarte, jr. jose de san martin, jr. jose galvez, jr. jose marti, jr. jose olaya, jr. freedom, jr. the reform, jr. the americas, jr. the Andes, jr. the delegates, jr. the Incas, jr. the Quechuas, jr. mariano melgar, jr. micaela bastides, psje. virgins of the sun, jr. Miguel Grau, Jr. quipacocha, jr. huaytapampa, jr. ramon castilla, jr.
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | Spanish |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | City Plans |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | Other |
Measurement Units | Metric |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | Garden / Park |
Tags | adjacent, autocad, beabsicht, block, borough level, district, districts, DWG, lima, lime, lotizacion, names, number, plane, political map, politische landkarte, proposed urban, road design, stadtplanung, straßenplanung, urban design, urban plan, zoning |