Machine Room For Oil Transport DWG Block for AutoCAD
Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file:
spirax sarco, made in uk, f. stack, thermometer, pass dry scotch psi steam, pass dry scotch psi steam hp, hurst boiler welding inc., created with plantspec, model no., see note, feedwater, pass dry scotch psi steam, pass dry scotch psi steam hp, hurst boiler welding inc., created with plantspec, hydac international, call factory, tank return line filter, imperial, front view, created with partspec, pass dry scotch psi steam, pass dry scotch psi steam hp, hurst boiler welding inc., created with plantspec, wht, ellisse petite pedestal lavatory, wht, ellisse petite pedestal lavatory, hydac international, call factory, tank return line filter, imperial, front view, created with partspec, hydac international, call factory, tank return line filter, imperial, front view, created with partspec, corte a’, corte c’, corte b’, corte a’, corte c’, corte b’
Raw text data extracted from CAD file:
Language | English |
Drawing Type | Block |
Category | Industrial |
Additional Screenshots | |
File Type | dwg |
Materials | |
Measurement Units | |
Footprint Area | |
Building Features | |
Tags | abscheider, autocad, block, de, de séparation, DWG, erdöl, les raffineries de pétrole, machine, machines, oil, petróleo, petroleum, petroleum refinery, pétroliers, raffinerie, refinarias de petróleo, room, separador, separator, transport, transporting |