Map Metropolitan Park, Santiago, Chile DWG Block for AutoCAD




Metropolitan Park of Santiago – Chile

Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish):

access, pionono, access, pedro de valdivia, forest, Santiago, steel, pvc, pvc, plant, a.p., pvc, steel, steel, pvc, steel, rocalit, concrete, c., roc., interconnection, steel, steel, sucker, drain, sucker, valve, interconnection, mm rock, reduc., reduc, steel, reduc., steel, valve, reduc., steel, reduc, steel, channel, Carmen, conchali channel, channel, meter, polythene, metropolitan channel, access, the piramid, pvc, pvc, steel, water pump motor, brand, sector, Location, cant, motor, bomb, general elec., leroy somer, a.e.g., vogt, general elec., leroy somer, general elec., leroy somer, baldor, cic, ran, valco, toilet, f.a.m., cic, weg, conz, weg, dietz, blue, gorld century, you, meg, leader, vogt, ksb, leader, jacuzzi, vogt, jacuzzi, Diana, jacuzzi, vogt, jacuzzi, Diana, white, premier rams, worthin gton, ghc, the Twins, for vald, tupahue, summit, antilen, chacarillas, you leave, antilen, hermit alt, stgo forest, p. of valdiv., funicular, funiculus side, quarry la virg, funiculus side, av. the hill, stgo forest, bomb, bomb, pumps room, pool tile, leliantu nursery, pool tupahue, filters c. Of the C., chacaril filters, Botanical Garden, square lautaro, pumps room p., Botanical Garden, cost and money, reservoir side, irrigation twins chacar, reservoir irrigation, filtered sprinkler, chlorinated winking., chlorinator winking., filtered recirc pool, filtered recirc waterfall, irrigation industry, filtered antilen, filtered est. showers., filtered waterfall ornam, filtered recirculac. wink, greenhouse irrigation, irrigation nursery microtubo, nursery irrigation, watering meadows winking., potable purification. drink, filtered recirculac. wink, irrigation is high pool, drinking treat., potable sector tupahue, potable serv. Zoo, drinking sector summit, potable quarry la virg., symbology, irrigation matrix, filtered water, filtered water, sides, drinking water, water accumulation capacity, existing, pond, reservoir the towers, leliantu nursery, white hill, antilen pool, the simone, chacarillas filters, pedro de v. north, enoteca, pool tupahue, tupahue filters, the liters, the liters, bomb, high, pool, hermit, Mayor, zig Zag, sanctuary, terrace, the company, Zoo, capacity of accumulation of, santiago forest waters, pond, dominica, twentieth century, nuñez, purisima, dominica, loreto, repaired, towers, dumont saints, figueroa, schavett, San Cristobal, schlack, avila, belt, breezes, ossa, jefferson, sector carlos casanueva, avenue santa maria, beautiful view, Monte Carlo, gutemberg, matte, andres bello, costitucion, mansur, shell, Casanova, shell, the conquerors, the hermit pond, the pond, to pond the quarry, and the casino pond, sub total accumul., engineering projects tender, access, the mountain, housing ministry urbanism, Metropolitan park, administration, business, Metropolitan area, Santiago, communes, conchali, Santiago, providence, the counts, development plan, irrigation improvement, general plant, draft, content, sector, sheet, sheet, date, vii, modifications, date, vii, updated, sd execution, regulatory plan, metropolitan park approval, scale, arqto. m. angelica alvarado

Raw text data extracted from CAD file:

Language Spanish
Drawing Type Block
Additional Screenshots
File Type dwg
Materials Concrete, Steel
Measurement Units
Footprint Area
Building Features Pool, Car Parking Lot, Garden / Park
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  • Released

    September 25, 2017

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